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Posts tagged with movies

Like Nobody's Watching

Exclusive OR of timingExclusive OR of timing by shikeroku (cc by)

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, emote.

by taz

Unwilling suspension

screenshot of Wim Wenders' 'Until the End of the World'Wim Wenders' 'Until the End of the World' mentioned by under_petticoat_rule

what are some of the most egregious examples of sloppy screenplay work that have resulted in a TV or movie character doing something or drawing conclusions that no actual person would ever do IRL?

In Ask Metafilter, helloimjennsco asks for examples of Lousy character logic in movies and/or TV shows

by taz

Ask Mefi, Take Me Awaaaay!

Grab bag again

Vintage Helping Hand Novelty Transistor Radio, Offered As A Promotional Item By General Mills For Hamburger & Tuna Helper, A Premium Resources International (PRI) Product, Made In Hong KongVintage Helping Hand Novelty Transistor Radio, Offered As A Promotional Item By General Mills For Hamburger & Tuna Helper, A Premium Resources International (PRI) Product, Made In Hong Kong by France1978 (cc by-sa)

Uncovering the internal anatomy of the Hamburger Helper mascot, what science doesn't want you to know

We need Ruth Bader Ginsburg puns for Halloween

Canadian Mefites share their stories, saying goodbye to Gord Downie

People are psyched for Black Panther

Best and Baddest

"There are some questions of Muppet ontology that resist easy answers."

The MuppetsThe Muppets by tracilawson (cc by)

You're old enough now, it's time we had the talk: where do Muppets come from?

Watching Together

watching togetherwatching together by KellyReeves (cc by-nd)

Servo5678 on watching Iron Man with his grandfather.

Behind the camera

Maria Frostic - Main Iceberg LagoonMaria Frostic - Main Iceberg Lagoon by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (cc by)

How fake is fake in nature documentaries? sciatrix on why scientists stage photos of their mice, and ChuraChura reveals that butterflies love pee.

What should I watch, from a huge archive of Russian films? gusottertrout recommends some movies: "One of the great pleasures of watching Soviet cinema is seeing the differences in attitude towards common film tropes."

The real work of fake tears - pseudostrabismus tells us what it takes to film a movie scene with two actors crying: "Frankly it's a wonder actors can cry at all."

Where do tv chyrons come from? Jahaza explains who decides which words appear on screen during news broadcasts.

Ask Me Oddments

Bears and CodpiecesBears and Codpieces by timkelley (cc by-nd)

Bits and bobs of recent-ish quirky questions on Ask MetaFilter:

What did historical laydeez think about those codpieces?

Films that occupy that "liminal space between being a bad movie and an art movie"?

Babushka lady behaviour? Examples, real or fictional, of people acting in noticeably strange or incongruous ways during important events or crowd scenes?

I vaaant to be alone! Temporarily deserted places that usually bustle during daylight hours?

No Chuck Tingle? What is the weirdest book in the history of English literature?

Not quite myself today. Is my body composed of a different set of atoms from when I was born?

by taz

Unlike any other

Come riff away

umbrellasumbrellas by Nasir Nasrallah (cc by)

What do you get when you mash up popular movie/book/etc titles? Instant classics like 12 Angry Monkeys, or Rashomonsters, Inc., or Das Booty Call, or Gorillas in the Mister Bean, and so many more. Come pitch your hot new media project here!

Also: (cough) alphabet thread (cough).

Strange Far Places

bottom_cthulhubottom_cthulhu by missmonstermel

I have a thing for eldritch abominations, alien geometry, fridge horror, and general nightmare fuel. I want more, pretty please!

In Ask Metafilter: Feed me the nightmare fuel

by taz

Blood Brother

Carter Burwell on PBS NewsHourCarter Burwell on PBS NewsHour

Carter Burwell and the Coen brothers both broke into Hollywood with Blood Simple in 1984. With only two exceptions, Burwell has served as composer on every film they have made since.

Nice post from AlonzoMosleyFBI on frequent Coen brothers collaborator, 2016 Oscar-nominated composer Carter Burwell, plus a comment from leibniz about interviewing Burwell regarding "his attitude towards the emotional nature of music," with a link to the Google books page where you can read the whole thing. Very interesting!

by taz

Star Wars

Almost TimeAlmost Time by MikeSpeaks (cc by)

Need to talk about the new Star Wars? Fanfare's got you covered, including Mefi's own adrianhon checking in from a panel discussion with the cast.

If you've been brushing up on the original films to prepare, you might enjoy the Fanfare rewatches of all the previous Star Wars movies.

For more, check out the posts tagged 'StarWars' including fun odds and ends like Star Wars, the pencil game and real fencers doing light saber battle.

Star Wars art? Scenes made of Lego, and some paintings in classical Japanese style

Nerdy analytic overthinking? The economics of the Death Star and the legal case of Han vs. Greedo. Ask those hard questions like are the Jedi overrated? and of course is Jar Jar the big boss?

Rx: Teh Funny

LaughLaugh by Donna L. Faber (cc by-nd)

Movies, tv shows, YouTube, books .... looking for the BIG LAUGH. Not ironic, not sarcastic. Immediately, viscerally funny.

For kestralwing and Mr. K, the best Rx needed, stat: Laughter may be the best medicine, but where can I buy some?

by taz

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