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Posts tagged with VideoGame

Video games with the spouse?

Screenshot from the game The Witness

Daisyace could use your help. They'd love to find a video game that they could play with their husband. Something that is a "engrossing, feel-good video game with gorgeous visuals" but has little or no violence. What do you suggest?

A Universe of Strange Mysteries!

Screenshot from game!

It’s been six years since community member justkevin released his first game, Starcom: Nexus. Time’s flown by and the follow-up is here (over in Projects) Starcom: Unknown Space! Enter a vast open-world universe filled with alien factions vying for power, strange worlds to explore, mysteries to investigate, and a sinister enemy that threatens the galaxy with an ancient power.

The Surrealistic Post That Will Become Your Morning

Screenshot of an elevator from Riven.

Now this is what the internet was made for, wonderous geekery! Come enjoy the visual splendor of almost every elevator in the video game series that started with Myst. Shared by rivenwanderer, this post does such a good job of showing how the series was able to enthrall people in its various worlds!


Sable game logo atop a futuristic desert scene

domdib posts about "Sable," a beautiful sci-fi game featuring Moebius-inspired graphics and soundtrack by Japanese Breakfast (due in September), with current demo game available for PC and XBox.

by taz

"I can't wait to be a shitty goose"

game screenshot image

i did not anticipate spending so much time stealing underwear in a video game: Mefites are playing the untitled Goose Game!

by taz

Like Nobody's Watching

Exclusive OR of timingExclusive OR of timing by shikeroku (cc by)

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, emote.

by taz

Dragon Shout Out

end result example of Ryvar's Skyrim moddingend result example of Ryvar's Skyrim modding

I guess it's time I finally write a serious comment about Skyrim modding. Here goes...

Ryvar completes his quest with an amazing comment on what you need to mod your world, like a boss dragonslayer.

by taz

"crime jazz"

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