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Posts tagged with MefiMusic

Mefi Music Radio Hour?

in Metatalk, es_de_bah pitches a new Mefi Music podcast. What a great idea!

by taz

Am🐝ent Drone

Oh, wow, interesting! From moonmilk, in Music: For an installation at Moogfest in 2016, I put a bunch of sensors in a beehive and used the data to generate drone music. The sensors included air temperature and air pressure and some touch and light sensors to sense when bees were entering and exiting the hive.

by taz

Turn on some music, read a nice letter, have a time travel cocktail

TruToneTruTone by Steve Walser (cc by-nc-nd)

The MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK, BABY, thanks to greenish, who has also put up a new MeFi Music Challenge, The Collaboration Station. Meanwhile back in Metatalk, want a letter in your rl mailbox? Cos you can totally get a letter. Check out chiefthe's Modern Pen Pal Project, before Kristi's Metatalktail topic sends you back, back in time, to the small moments.

by taz

We're Getting The Band Back Together!

StringsStrings by eleonoralbasi (cc by-sa)

Greenish is raising the flag for Mefi Music fans, old and new, in Metatalk.

by taz

Campfire bonding games

CampfireCampfire by Jason Pratt (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, quiet coyote is looking for "good discussion-based games for 6 adults to play as a group that don't involve supplies other than pen and paper, and ideally help us learn more about each other rather than just passing the time."

Meanwhile, over in Mefi Music, the most favorited tracks of the past week have been: Workman 9 to 5; A Grand Unslam; Trapeze Act; Time (the Revelator)

by taz

Casteism, Colorism, Classism & Culture

bride and groom closeup holding hands in Indian wedding

On Metafilter, A critical look and serious discussion of Netflix's "Indian Matchmaking"

Meanwhile over on Mefi Music, the most playlisted tracks in the last week were Soviet Girl and Pulse, and the most favorited tracks were Pulse, Mirrorball, and Activity Indicating Activity

by taz

Dramatic Gopher News, and a Music Challenge

My Desktop/20080402My Desktop/20080402 by mandolux (cc by-nc-nd)

Recently in MetaTalk:

Mefi kicks it old skool with the resurrection of the Mefi Gopher server

and Greg Nog issues a Mefi Cover Challenge to "record a cover of a song that you only know about because it was in a post on metafilter." (Previous Mefi Music challenges here, and the first Mefi Music Podcast with greenish here.)

by taz

"crime jazz"

MeFi Music "City Songs" are here!

shackle_originales_07shackle_originales_07 by carmela alvarado art (cc by-nc-nd)

Aw yeah! The results of the Mefi Music challenge for May/June, with the theme City Songs, are queued up and ready to play! The MetaTalk thread discussing the effort and the tunes that emerged from this 77th (!) MeMu Challenge is here. Enjoy!

by taz

May-June Mefi Music Challenge

Listen carefully...Listen carefully... by sadmafioso (cc by-nc)

Music-lovers of Metafilter, we would like to extend an invitation to you all to join us over at MeFiMusic for the latest challenge: record a song about a city.

Now discussing on Metatalk, City Songs: the new MetaFilter Music Challenge. The Mefi Music thread is here.

by taz

MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening

mixtape from a friend in collegemixtape from a friend in college by jessamyn (cc by-nc-sa)

Get the details on the upcoming MeFiSwap and do some music swappening. (Signups now closed!)

by jessamyn

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