"What do you think is in the safe?"
This week for Metatalktail Hour, the primroses were over asks about local mysteries.
This week for Metatalktail Hour, the primroses were over asks about local mysteries.
*pssst*, hey, buddy ...
Did you know that every Saturday we have MetaTalktail Hour in Metatalk? Most people don't know that.
cake house by masha_k_sh (cc by-nc-nd)
Oh, look, the new Mefi newsletter has a name! And a second edition! Whee! 📰
Also, the latest Metatalktail Hour asks members to tell the least plausible story about yourself, and it's so, so great. 🕴🏼
Also, also, don't forget, it's the second theme week of August fundraising month, and this time around, we want to see some sweet, sweet art (any interesting art find that you like, in any medium). Search tags for "sweetart" to see what people are posting, and/or tag your art-themed post with "sweetart." 🍭
When I hear a chipmunk chucking I look for the nearby raptor: Lots of lovely, fascinating, relatable, inspiring, unusual, surprising, curious, strange, and amusing insights in this Metatalktail Hour post wherein wittgenstein asks "What do you pay attention to/notice as you wander through the world that I probably ignore?"
TruTone by Steve Walser (cc by-nc-nd)
The MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK, BABY, thanks to greenish, who has also put up a new MeFi Music Challenge, The Collaboration Station. Meanwhile back in Metatalk, want a letter in your rl mailbox? Cos you can totally get a letter. Check out chiefthe's Modern Pen Pal Project, before Kristi's Metatalktail topic sends you back, back in time, to the small moments.
Sidney Hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officinal Scupltoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. by Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel (cc by)
Zamboni shares his list of fave devices, gadgets, gizmos, utensils, machines, mechanisms, contraptions, apparatuses, appliances, implements, and instruments in last week's Metatalktail Hour discussion on tools. (This week's cozy convo is about the most ordinary thing you've never done.)
are you feeling like you really, really need a laugh or two? MetaTalkTail hour has you covered with member choices for "The Best Memes!"
Happy New Year! by Edd Sowden (cc by-nc-nd)
same as every year: try not to stab anyone – Poffin Boffin
Chatting about what we have resolved for 2018 in the current Metatalktail Hour thread
Christmas gingerbread cookies by Fiery-Phoenix (cc by-nc-nd)
The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2017
"It’s been A Year, and we here at cookie swap central would like to bring baked joy to as many MeFites across the globe as possible." Time to sign up!
Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks
In Metatalk, "What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year."
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.