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Posts tagged with swap

Good Stuff in Metatalk

Oh hey, the Metafilter Card Club swap is still vibing ... continuously for nearly seven whole years now! Wow! Check the thread for how to participate in this ancient tradition. Thank you, Sparky Buttons!!! Also, CMcG is sharing their 2024 Fanfare EXTRAVAGANZA, a place where folks can share their recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, and podcasts from the past year. Nice!🥳

by taz

Mefi Gift Swap begins

2024 MetaFilter Gift Swap Sign-Ups are Open!! Thank you, rhyspenbras and okayokayigive for organizing this year's festivities!

by taz

✨ Reminder! The Metafilter Fundraising Auction ends tomorrow (Sunday)! Also, in case you missed it, 2022 MeFi Holiday Card Exchange signups are open until 6am EST 11/20.


Four years of Mefi Card Club!

PostcardsPostcards by Matt Perich (cc by)

In Metatalk: "Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018, and is still going strong today — that is over four years!"

by taz

MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning currently happening in Metatalk, as well as discussing the idea of a CD micro SD Swap, and the possibility of a MeFi Visual Arts Club.


Music swap deadline!
Last chance to participate in the Music Swap; deadline for submission is Saturday, so if you feel like swapping playlists, get to it!

by cortex

Music swap!
Interested in participating in a music swap? Because there's a music swap!

by cortex

Card Swap!
Want to send some mail and get some mail? Join the Covid Card Swap! Sign up by Friday April 3 to participate.

by cortex

Cookies Are Enabled

Homemade cookie ornamentsHomemade cookie ornaments by Heart Windows Art (cc by)

Sign-ups for The Great Mefi Cookie Swap are now open in Metatalk!

by taz

It's a Post Party

MailboxMailbox by Eva Ganesha (cc by-nc)

The 2019 MeFi Holiday Card Exchange is happening in Metatalk! ❄️📮

by taz

Noted on Mefi

MiXED TAPEMiXED TAPE by englishsnow (cc by)

The first all-digital MeFi Music Mixtape Swap signups are open until April 14, so if you're into it, share the love! If you're in need of some inspiration, you might check out some of the more than 50,000 78rpm record sides available from the Boston Public Library now on the Internet Archive. But if that seems a smidge overwhelming, maybe just queue up the one song that apparently nearly every other human on the planet has listened to? That's a lot. Too much? How about just that one special part of that one song that you love so much, but, like, it just keeps going?

by taz

(。♥‿♥。) Bean Mine, Valentine

vintage valentine vintage valentine "Bee" by karen horton (cc by)

mochapickle is organizing a Valentine card exchange; discussion and sign-up info in Metatalk! 💖

by taz

Cookies and Metatalktails

Christmas gingerbread cookiesChristmas gingerbread cookies by Fiery-Phoenix (cc by-nc-nd)

The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2017

"It’s been A Year, and we here at cookie swap central would like to bring baked joy to as many MeFites across the globe as possible." Time to sign up!

Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks

In Metatalk, "What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year."

by taz

Cookies and Talktails!

birthday cake martini with sprinkles in a glass and dipped strawberriesbirthday cake martini with sprinkles in a glass and dipped strawberries by (cc by)

Reminder: Just a few days left to sign up for the amazing, fabulous 2016 Metafilter Cookie Swap! Also, if you are looking for a soothing politics-free zone with cool pets and warm chat with other Mefites, check out the Metatalktail Hour thread!

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





