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Posts tagged with sharing

Good Stuff in Metatalk

Oh hey, the Metafilter Card Club swap is still vibing ... continuously for nearly seven whole years now! Wow! Check the thread for how to participate in this ancient tradition. Thank you, Sparky Buttons!!! Also, CMcG is sharing their 2024 Fanfare EXTRAVAGANZA, a place where folks can share their recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, and podcasts from the past year. Nice!πŸ₯³

by taz

The cake is not a lie

In Metatalk: Shepherd has a notion ... a bookstore bookmark exchange? kensington314 is putting together another mixtape, yay! MetaMixTapes 2: Growing Up to Be a Pope, and oh, yes, there will be Birthday Cake. Thanks, freethefeet! πŸŽ‚

by taz

drawn that way

photo of a small glass jar of pens, pencils, and other drawing utensils, with a blurred background of a work in progressImage via

So, DMelanogaster is seeking a community of graphic memoirists for sharing and advice, both technical and companionable, and this sounds so cool ... and also a nice excuse for us to peek in at the progress on their own work, which was posted in Projects a couple of months ago.

by taz

MetaMixTapes: Cats

🐈 In MetaTalk, kensington314 has a fun idea for a collaborative mixtape!

by taz

Don't Worry, Be Prep-y

Colonoscopy date marked on the calendarimage by Marco Verch on Flickr

For anyone who faces taking this often life-saving but somewhat daunting physical exam, brainwane's excellent Colonoscopy strategies post and its great thread of comments from Mefi members is the perfect Rx for your anxiety. We've been there and done that, and can tell you all about it!

by taz

Let it Grow

garden posygarden posy by penelope waits (cc by)

Last summer I made a long-held dream of mine come true and started a free garden with herbs and tomatoes and beans and a painted rock saying "help yourself" in my front yard... RobinofFrocksley, in the Celebrate the Carers Metatalk thread.

by taz

How about some fun community indoor activities?

"BUSY CITY" by jjlcooterpie (cc by)

Discussion in Metatalk

by taz

"Listen Your Ass Off"

ListenListen by ky_olsen (cc by)

Lyn Never had very good advice about how to listen for someone who wants to become less condescending.

by taz

Currently sharing voting stories (and expressions of support from non-US friends) in Metatalk


Tell me that you like it, yeah

Tell me something goodTell me something good by Darwin Bell (cc by-nc)

In MetaTalk, Filthy light thief asks What's the best thing you've read and/or heard lately? Share the goodies!

by taz

Show us your pretties!

infini artworkinfini's Girl in the Wind by Midori Takaki

I'm feeling the need for some beauty and some MeFite sharing, so let's see (and/or read about) your favorite object of beauty in your living space

In Metatalk, Eyebrows McGee invites us up to share our etchings!

by taz

Heyyyy, whatcha readin'?

Books@Leadenhall MarketBooks@Leadenhall Market by Dave Pearce (London) (cc by-nc-nd)

I thought it would be interesting if mefites posted lists of what they plan to or have read, listened to, or watched this summer. I don't want to leave out people in the Southern Hemisphere, though, so feel free to post seasonal lists for whatever the season you may be experiencing!

ArbitraryAndCapricious asks Mefites to share their seasonal reading/ listening/ whatever list

by taz

Seeing and not seeing

BlankBlank by ishaip (cc by-sa)

What do you see in your mind's eye? Come tell us, in the thread on people who have no mental images.

Spinach in Ur MetaTalk

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747 by Ape Lad (cc by-nc-nd)

lately in MetaTalk:

Why, the site is a glorious peacock!: Announcing More Color for the Classic Theme

Mefi Podcast 114 is out: "I Say It's Spinach, And To Hell With It"

Discussing Books in Fanfare: Let's talk about books, baby

How YOU doin'?: What's new, MeFites? Have a life update you'd like to share?

by taz

The Invisible Effort of Emotional Labor

CaryatidsCaryatids by rknickme (cc by-nc-nd)

Epic thread on Emotional Labor offers dozens of great stories, academic studies, and personal insights into how our lives depend on constant and under-recognized emotional work, mostly performed by women. Come read along – this thread might change how you look at your marriage, or your parents, or your workplace.

Also: the author of the article responds; a personal assessment checklist on AskMe; and the emergence of an emotional labor tax haven, Crone Island, where tacos and margaritas await the weary. 🍹

by taz

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