Oh hey, the current LinkMe thread is here (for links that are interesting but may not work as a front page post, or beginning point / idea for someone else to make a front page post).
Oh hey, the current LinkMe thread is here (for links that are interesting but may not work as a front page post, or beginning point / idea for someone else to make a front page post).
Photo by Mike Mozard via Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeepersmedia/)
For the old house and non AC people there is (literally) only one burning question: What are your best fan strategies? AgentRocket has started the discussion, come see what people are suggesting! But please pick up a pack of something cold before coming over, please and thank you!
Link (Assemblage) (1971) - João Vieira (1934 - 2009) via Pedro Ribeiro Simões on Flickr
A new Link Me post has been forged! Come find a topic to post, or offer your idea for a topic for someone else to post! Thanks, CMcG!
Mmmmm Pho by cogdogblog (cc by)
Cold and flu season is starting in the northern hemisphere, so here's how to handle it: A post chock full of culinary remedies was created by 'drewbage1847'! Check it out to learn more and/or come add your own recipes and tips!
Chicken broth by purpaboo (cc by)
It's the colder time of year in the northern hemisphere, and Czjewel has a question about chicken broth, which resulted in a lot of tips and suggestions!
Music Expands by byzantiumbooks (cc by)
Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.
Roscoe Considers Recording a Podcast by zoomar (cc by-nc)
Today on Mefi, a post from zarq about earbud.fm, a "friendly guide to great podcasts," while elsewhere around the site:
podcast discussions on FanFare
The latest Mefi podcast (with special guest Eyebrows McGee!)
And recently on Ask Me, Entertain my ears, smartly!; English-language podcasts from other parts of the globe?; Cozy (but dark) relationships / life advice podcasts?; Podcasts Please; Art history podcast suggestions?; good podcasts about extremely ancient history?; good podcasts about niche / specific interests hosted by funny people?; Ongoing fictional podcasts?; Star Wars podcasts?; Podcasts on addiction and substance abuse?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.