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Posts tagged with streaming

Mefi MST Turkey Day 2024

🦃👽 "Once again, we at MST Club, that tiny subset of the site that gathers to watch riffing and other things on Thursday nights ... are piping in the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day stream off of Youtube to watch in our video share room throughout Thanksgiving Day."

by taz

Radio Waves 👋🏼

close-up of a vintage microphone against a blurry background of a radio stationimage via

TimHare wants to hear about your favorite independent and/or college streaming radio stations.

by taz

Even more spooky films to get you in the mood

Photo by Lisa Zins, courtesy of Flickr (

Sure, you've already started pregaming for Halloween and things are going frightfully well. But let's expand your dimly lit horizons and check out DirtyOldTown's massive guide to horror movies that are streaming, broken down to the various services!

live feeds of ... live feeds!

screen capture of a video stream showing a cute tiger-striped cat peering into the feeder at the remaining kibbleHello, Bob.

"it's like a cross between an aquarium and a reality show," observes MrVisible in nobody's post about Hello Street Cat's video network of cute human decorated cat feeders set up throughout China to feed and track strays ... plus entertain the folks at home!

by taz

Weird Fiction Sweet Spot

mostly black and white manipulated photo of the entrance to Luna Park on Coney IslandSci Fi Park by Julio A Gonzalez (cc by)

Sci Fi / paranormal shows minus the horror? Member Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... has a big! big! list. Blam!

by taz

Favorite Internet Radio Stations

Radio dialRadio dial by Honou (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, COD is looking for the best streaming radio recommendations

by taz

Please Don't Stop The Music

Music ExpandsMusic Expands by byzantiumbooks (cc by)

Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.

by taz

Music to my ears

100 Cassettes100 Cassettes by Marc Arsenault - Wow Cool (cc by-nd)

Some music posts lately huh?

Did you hear the newly-found clean recording of Louis Armstrong, 1929? Also check the comments for more clean recordings of stars from that era.

Get down with Indian disco and funk star Usha Uthup

A deep dive on the crazy-ass Japanese pop maestro Keiichi Suzuki of Moonriders; too much to sum up.

Up and coming Cuban jazz singer Daymé Arocena: her "vocal repertoire encompasses scatting, Afro-Cuban chanting, scratchy-throated whispers, and a deep, gusty laugh."

Backstage with Farida Khanum, the Pakistani elder stateswoman of classical ghazal poetry singing - "I don’t think she knew how popular she was with young people until I sat her down one day and placed a computer on her lap..."

Mark the passing of Papa Wemba, Congolese music legend - BlahLaLa remembers: "I picked up his music wherever I could find it, and it brought me such joy. When I came home I eagerly pushed those cassettes into friends' hands -- "You've got to listen to this!""

History of one-man bands

What are some pop songs that were big hits across Europe, but not in the US?

Where's the best classical and opera, streaming online? And while we're at it, how about some great eclectic radio, streaming online?

Recommendations! Intro to conscious hip-hop, or some new-ish soul-ish, or something dreamy, or "it'll be alright" comfort music, or turn up the upbeat mixes for working outdoors, or maybe dance music that always makes you happy.

Putting the F-E-A-R in Metafilter

halloween cathalloween cat by silversolo (cc by)

Hallo, weenies! Mefi posters are celebrating spooky season with a hoard of horrorfying and macabre media. Hope you survive enjoy!

Best Books To Read For Halloween (we love the member recommendations in comments, too)

The 25 best horror movies since 2000 (Mefites might have a few Opinions)

13 Old Time Radio dramas to scare the pants off you

1970s BBC Radio's The Price of Fear with Vincent Price

Grainy, Spooky, Streaming VHS rips of classic 80s horror movies

Triggerfinger's big collection of Horror and Chill

by taz

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