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Posts tagged with club

Mefi MST Turkey Day 2024

πŸ¦ƒπŸ‘½ "Once again, we at MST Club, that tiny subset of the site that gathers to watch riffing and other things on Thursday nights ... are piping in the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day stream off of Youtube to watch in our video share room throughout Thanksgiving Day."

by taz

"Mystery Science Theater Club, that odd tiny little corner of MeFi that shows bad and weird movies Thursdays every week, is doing a day-long show on Tuesday for US Election Day": JHarris in Metatalk. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Four years of Mefi Card Club!

PostcardsPostcards by Matt Perich (cc by)

In Metatalk: "Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018, and is still going strong today β€” that is over four years!"

by taz

Did you know there is a Mefi Card Club for exchanges year-round? If you love sending and receiving cool paper mail, check it out! πŸ’Œ


MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning currently happening in Metatalk, as well as discussing the idea of a CD micro SD Swap, and the possibility of a MeFi Visual Arts Club.


Under the MSTletoe

The MeFi MST Club kids want to let you know that Christmas Video Marathon festivities are go, it's all taking place here, and "we’re planning on seeing it through till Midnight December 25."

by taz

Came all this way and didn't get to kill anybody

Hannibal RisingHannibal Rising

For those suffering Hannibal withdrawal, here's a reminder that the fannibals are still dissecting the last episode in FanFare, with over 1,000 comments (wherein Kitteh executes a real-life Mads and Gillian Fanfare.Metafilter photo op!), plus the brand new Cannibal Club has cooked up some ideas for those hungry for more, including a club talk post to discuss the book "Hannibal Rising" in anticipation of a movie re-watch. Dig in, my fiends.

by taz

More Cinema Serendipity

Sunset BoulevardSunset Boulevard by (cc by-nc)

Many classic movies are famous and important without being very entertaining to contemporary viewers. But others feel surprisingly fresh, in the sense that they still hold up as entertainment ... Which oldies successfully make you laugh/scream/cry/think on their own terms, without you having to put yourself in the shoes of bygone audiences?

In AskMe, Beardman asks about Oldies that don't feel like homework viewing, while in FanFare, Old Timey Film Club is announced, and Sunset Boulevard is posted as the group's debut thread (So they opened their big mouths and out came talk. Talk! TALK!).

by taz

Cinema Serendipities

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past LivesUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

In Ask Me, phunniemee asks Give me your recommendations for creeping, meandering, dream-like movies! Meanwhile, back at FanFare something's brewing with naju ... and Strange Club ("strange & sublime, bizarre & beautiful, arthouse-leaning, unclassifiable") lurches to ecstatic life, with a first viewing set for Aug 12 and first post Aug 17.

by taz

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