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Posts tagged with strange

Strange Gastronomy

Simple vintage anatomical illustration of the human stomach and surrounding organsVintage human stomach diagram

"People tend to be horrified or intrigued": Eyelash is looking for weird food combos that people enjoy, and Mefites do not disappoint.

by taz

No, let's make this place REALLY weird

Photo by Pascal Willuhn, via Flickr (

Let’s make this house absolutely weird, to the point it’s something that people gawk at on real estate listings sites. What would you do? ‘Cause over in Ask MetaFilter, Number Used Once is waiting for your suggestions about their house!

"And goddamn it was tasty"

There is a more summer dish than this ? Water melon,  feta and mint.  @ristorantelavolpenera #tuscany #toscana #toskana #chianti #salvadonica #summerdish #watermelon #fetaThere is a more summer dish than this ? Water melon, feta and mint. @ristorantelavolpenera #tuscany #toscana #toskana #chianti #salvadonica #summerdish #watermelon #feta by Salvadonica, Chianti, Tuscany (cc by)

nayantara is looking for unusual food combos in Ask Metafilter

by taz

"something disturbing to raise your spirits"

LeftoversLeftovers by JD Hancock (cc by)

GenjiandProust's Increasingly Strange Stories for an Increasingly Strange Year is another faboo roundup of weird audio dramas, again with tons of info and links to each one ... And for yet more weird and wonderful, PussKillian has posted NPR's excellent list of the best Science Fiction and Fantasy books of the last decade. Cheers! 👾

by taz

Significantly Other

clayclay by Dean Hochman (cc by)

Signal asks, Please recommend SF books that are significantly Other.

by taz

It's a Johnny Wallflower post!

Smiling face painted with ketchup on a white plateSmiling face painted with ketchup on a white plate by wuestenigel (cc by)

My food crime, which I will defend until death, is liverwurst and fig preserves on crackers. Mizu

Come for the Mefites-admit-their-food-crimes spectacle, stay for the hey, that actually sounds ... not bad? plus bonus inside scoop on making better peanut sauce from cendawanita, and the Tiger Tail ice cream!

by taz

Cinema Serendipities

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past LivesUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

In Ask Me, phunniemee asks Give me your recommendations for creeping, meandering, dream-like movies! Meanwhile, back at FanFare something's brewing with naju ... and Strange Club ("strange & sublime, bizarre & beautiful, arthouse-leaning, unclassifiable") lurches to ecstatic life, with a first viewing set for Aug 12 and first post Aug 17.

by taz

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