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Posts tagged with scifi

Come join us in the radiant city... if you can survive it.

Community member workingdankoch has created a fantastic science fiction audio drama titled Metropolis. It’s a murder mystery in neon utopia that may be slightly topical for US citizens or an excellent escape, you decide! An original science fiction audio drama!

Fiction by J.R. Dawson

Photo by nicholaspollock, via Flickr (

Brainwane continues their excellent streak of sharing great stories with a link to J.R. Dawson's "Six People To Revise You". It's a moving tale about searching for and finding your identity in world that gives conflicting signals, and how one focuses on the communications that matter.

"the artwork was so cool"

depiction of an ancient stepped pyramid resembling Mayan architecture, set against a vibrant natural backdrop. The structure, surrounded by lush green jungle, is illuminated by soft lights along its steps. A calm, vivid blue ocean lies in the foreground, with the scene set against a warm and colorful sunset sky, blending orange, pink, and blue hues. The image evokes a tranquil yet majestic atmosphere.image via (not the book cover art!)

I remember this old paperback in my old used bookstore where Greek or Roman voyagers end up in America and meet the Mayans ... suburbanbeatnik is looking for a particular hard-to-find DAW paperback from the 1970s

by taz

Friends Help Friends Find Sci-Fi

in shades of yellow, orange, and rust, two figures in silhouette seen from the back, one in trenchcoat, hat, and boots, and one in trousers and short coat, walking towards a futuristic silhouetted cityscape with an alien sky aboveCover detail from "The Mimicking of Known Successes" by Malka Older

Can you be the friend who reads all the current sci-fi and then excitedly recommends the ones the poster might like? Omnomnom is looking for character driven stories written in the past two years or so, so help a pal out?

by taz

"I think my whole field is haunted by the Primer"

cyberpunk illustration of a young woman's face melding with (presumably) the cosmos in a frame of rustic pitted metal and/or wood surrounded by gears and wiresdetail from cover art of The Diamond Age

Thoughts about The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer from Neal Stephenson's "Diamond Age," nearly 30 years on ... gwint posted "Exorcising us of the Primer" by researcher and software engineer/designer Andy Matuschak

by taz

This intensity does not seem not-pleasant

Space shot of a beautiful orange miasma against a clouded blue background sprinkled with stars and a bright exploding supernova near the bottom of the sceneHubble Monitors Supernova In Nearby Galaxy M82 from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Mefites are expressing joy that their seeking-tendrils have encountered the short science fiction story "Hello! Hello! Hello!" by Fiona Jones ... plus general vibrating gratitude at brainwane for her sharing of awesome stories!

by taz

Humans as pets, just not in THAT way, please!

Photo by Daniel Hargrave, via Flickr ( Are you looking for NON-erotic sci-fi stories about humans being kept as pets by aliens? Well over in Ask MetaFilter, so is PikeMatchbox and MeFites are chiming in with their recommendations! Be a good hooman and check it out!

Weird Fiction Sweet Spot

mostly black and white manipulated photo of the entrance to Luna Park on Coney IslandSci Fi Park by Julio A Gonzalez (cc by)

Sci Fi / paranormal shows minus the horror? Member Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... has a big! big! list. Blam!

by taz

"a bitter, poisonous read ..."

Come for the "simple listicle designed to elicit clicks and furious argument" (– doctornemo), stay for the explanation of why Lovecraft is an incel (– mittens) in the Esquire 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time thread.

by taz

Picture me, the guru said

Drawing of a Butterfly - Dibujo de una MariposaDrawing of a Butterfly - Dibujo de una Mariposa by Marcos Telias (cc by-nc-nd)

Larva Pupa Imago by Eric Schwitzgebel is a short story about love, personhood, and transformation. It's also about erotica for uplifted butterflies.

by taz

Lit Listicle

Photo of several of the books included in the listimage via Book Riot

Metafilter members are discussing's list of 20 genre-defying sci-fi books that broke the mold.

by taz

if you try to leave they might kill you

The Ascent / MeganeuraThe Ascent / Meganeura by Stefans02 (cc by)

Grobstein focuses on cyberpunk as social critique. Good stuff.

by taz

"We’ll need writers who can remember freedom"

black and white photo of Le Guin in dark blouse and light colored skirt sitting in front of a bookcase, arms on knees, smiling at cameraLe Guin in 2009. Photo via Wikipedia, by Marian Wood Kolisch, Oregon State University

humbug posts the shortlist for the Inaugural Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction!

by taz

Well, if you *ask* ...

book cover art from Mother of Demons by Eric Flint

Sciatrix has some excellent recs and observations for some of Eric Flint's non-1632 series books in the Flint obituary thread.

by taz

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