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Posts tagged with learning

Folding Fun For Folks!

Grab some paper, your favorite beverage, and let’s make some origami! Faintdreams found a great website about that subject and it’s a fantastic guide, thank you!

Knowledge to draw on

Dobbs would really, really, really like their drawings of dogs to look like dogs, not alligators. So there's a request for apps, courses, videos, and/or instruction to get better at drawing. Please lend your advice if you have suggestions! Or just come on in to check out the excellent advice that's being shared!

"I think my whole field is haunted by the Primer"

cyberpunk illustration of a young woman's face melding with (presumably) the cosmos in a frame of rustic pitted metal and/or wood surrounded by gears and wiresdetail from cover art of The Diamond Age

Thoughts about The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer from Neal Stephenson's "Diamond Age," nearly 30 years on ... gwint posted "Exorcising us of the Primer" by researcher and software engineer/designer Andy Matuschak

by taz

Recommend Me x 3

Photo by Kevin Gale via Flickr (

Here’s a roundup of recent recommendations over in Ask MetaFilter: Toucan is searching for pleasant sensations to help themselves feel physically good every day and the suggestions are great!()

Caxton1476 is looking for advice on music education for the middle-aged, because it's never to late to get your groove on!

Finally, lizard2590 would like recommendations for podcasts on past pop culture.

Make it Sew

on top of taupe colored fabric, a white and red measuring tape, white spool of thread, bobbin with white thread, and a pair of scissorsDetail of photo by pina messina on Unsplash

Sunflower88 asks for resources for learning to sew and make clothes from scratch for a complete novice.

by taz

Unclear... audience? logic? labels?

Two people viewing a wall filled with a confusing diagram of swooshing multi-color arrows connecting blocks of informationPhoto by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

spamandkimchi posted How to Play "Diagram Critique Bingo" by Abby Covert.

by taz

Dancing with myself

Gaia in ur DMs

the shallow breath of summerthe shallow breath of summer by Mitchell Haindfield (cc by)

Tehhund is seeking websites or accounts that document the changing seasons, such as "what annual things are happening in the natural world daily / weekly / monthly ... like different animals starting migration, different flowers blooming, etc." and, relatedly, dusty potato asks for books, apps, or curriculums to "guide me through nature."

by taz

Olfaction Reaction Expansion

ποντίκι / μυς, mouse (Mus musculus) by George Shuklinποντίκι / μυς, mouse (Mus musculus) by George Shuklin by dullhunk (cc by)

... this is cool, important, and well done research. But as in most cases, we should be cautious in making assumptions about how broadly it applies

biogeo offers an outstanding, detailed backgrounder in the Turning off intergenerational trauma in mice thread.

by taz

Mnemosyne's River

“Eddie Kang: In the middle of, 2013 (mixed media on canvas)” / Gallery Ihn / Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 / SML.20130523.6D.13996.SQ“Eddie Kang: In the middle of, 2013 (mixed media on canvas)” / Gallery Ihn / Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 / SML.20130523.6D.13996.SQ by See-ming Lee (SML) (cc by-nc)

Don't forget to remember to check out Wolfdog's fascinating post on augmenting long-term memory, featuring an essay on personal memory systems by Michael Nielsen.

by taz

Hobby Hobnobbing

fly with mefly with me by maxelman (cc by-nc-nd)

In search of the fine art of the pastime, recently in AskMe:

holmesian wants to know: What is the critical book for your hobby/passion?

dearleader asks, What New Tricks Should This Old Dog Learn?

widdershins is organizing a Skill of the Month project for the fam

by taz

New Tricks

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