Helpful government links for US citizens
Eustatic posted an excellent comment that has "some resources from your federal and state and county governments" for US citizens. Very helpful and useful information in light of the recent hurricanes.
Eustatic posted an excellent comment that has "some resources from your federal and state and county governments" for US citizens. Very helpful and useful information in light of the recent hurricanes.
Photo by Tom Fisk
kliuless has an in-depth post on "the move by national governments, financial investors and private security forces to snap up food and water resources." Robber barons in the food system.
Detail of photo by pina messina on Unsplash
Sunflower88 asks for resources for learning to sew and make clothes from scratch for a complete novice.
Writer's Block I by Drew Coffman (cc by)
If you haven't checked it out yet, Cozybee has collected 50+ bookmarks for writers and aspiring writers, including worksheets, where to submit, advice for outlining, plotting, breaking through writer's block, worldbuilding, character development, and much more!
lampshade has been collecting voter info resources for the US elections. Handy!
Design Faves Logo Design by The Logo Smith (cc by-nc-nd)
In Ask Me recently:
Online resources for teaching basics of good document design?
Give me your colorful, cute, glam office supplies yearning to be free
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"Procrastination" by Amy Loves Yah (cc by)
Nidora asks, "I am procrastinating with many things that I need to do ... If anyone has a system that they have used to be more productive, please share."
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