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Posts tagged with essays

On Essays

old, painted portrait in dark tonesPortrait of Michel de Montaigne, 1570s (cropped); unknown author

Gwint has posted the excellent, feature-rich Montaigne's Essays from, with 107 texts, including "On Cannibals," "On the Custom of Wearing Clothes," and "On Smells." What a good find!

by taz

"blissfully updated"

Ted Chiang's Ted Chiang's "Story of your life" by hwtnv2006 (cc by)

Helping to play out Doubles Jubilee month, Rhaomi with a grand updating of his 2010 post on Ted Chiang, including links to short stories, articles, essays, and interviews.

by taz

"Seeking a Paradigm Shift"

EnlightenmentEnlightenment by marceloquinan (cc by)

beccyjoe wants to know "What is an article or essay that you have read that caused a dramatic change in your thinking / perspective / life? ... I would love to hear what you've read that has blown your mind"

by taz

Sady, Sady, Scary Lady

Patrick Bateman NAKED in tanning bed with subtitle SOMETHING HORRIBLE IS HAPPENING INSIDE OF ME

Sady recommends horror: coolname points us toward some excellent film commentary by Sady Doyle that will maybe make you rethink some things you thunk before.

by taz

Help Embiggen These Brains!

PipedreamerPipedreamer by new 1lluminati (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, xenization is seeking Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind for first-year college students; nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before."

by taz

"Write like you need it to survive"

Writer's Block IWriter's Block I by Drew Coffman (cc by)

If you haven't checked it out yet, Cozybee has collected 50+ bookmarks for writers and aspiring writers, including worksheets, where to submit, advice for outlining, plotting, breaking through writer's block, worldbuilding, character development, and much more!

by taz

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