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Posts tagged with movies

Aisle be seeing you in all the right places

Check out something new and fantastic: This Week in FanFare, on the blue!

by taz

Good Stuff in Metatalk

Oh hey, the Metafilter Card Club swap is still vibing ... continuously for nearly seven whole years now! Wow! Check the thread for how to participate in this ancient tradition. Thank you, Sparky Buttons!!! Also, CMcG is sharing their 2024 Fanfare EXTRAVAGANZA, a place where folks can share their recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, and podcasts from the past year. Nice!🥳

by taz

100 Horror Movies in 92 Days

Photo via black and white photo of spooky silhouetted figure behind a sheet, with many hands reaching out toward the viewer

Not to alarm you, but it is less than 100 days until Halloween. Have you finalized your overambitious horror film watchlist yet? Wobbuffet is here to help.

by taz

The Case of the Unquiet Corpse

Image via Angel statue in cemetery holds a finger to her lips, shh!

"there's 2 ways I usually remove movement from dead characters ..." Member 5_13_23_42_69_666 answers DirtyOldTown's Ask Mefi question about techniques used for hiding the breathing of "dead" characters on TV and film.

by taz

Failure is not an option

Black and white still of Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Bacon as astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigart in the film Apollo 13Scene from Apollo 13

Smart people working together to solve problems? I bet a collection of Mefites could assemble to hammer out a proper list for TimHare's Ask Metafilter question about recommendations for more movies featuring collective "competency porn."

by taz

The Best Reason To Make Popcorn

Photo by Bill Smith, via Flickr (

Take a look at Rhaomi’s post about Criterion's Closet Picks! It’s a guide for some of the most interesting films in the overall Collection, narrated by various stars and artists as they discuss their favorite elements. Eye opening and fascinating for anyone into film!

Happy Endings

Photo montage of four films: The Princess Bride, Clueless, Akeelah and the Bee, Singin' in the Rainimage via

Mefites are discussing Vanity Fair's list of 31 feel-good movies to boost your mood.

by taz

The Different Messages in the Movie Barbie

"I think the movie has a few different messages, all of which overlap with one another, which is another very campy thing: when you're parodying dumb, incoherent things by embracing them, you wind up a little incoherent yourself."

Over in Fanfare, community member 'Tom Hanks Can't Be Trusted' dives deep on the overlapping messages in the Barbie (2023) film.

Cool Stuff

IRL, mochapickle and danabanana have organized an online meet for "The Artist's Way" (Julia Cameron's classic creativity program to help with artistic work of all kinds) starting Sunday, May 7, so check in to learn more! And over in Fanfare, DirtyOldTown has posted Trailer Park: May 2023, a collection of fresh trailers for upcoming movies. (See April Trailer Park collection here)

by taz

Best 1930s films?

vintage film poster with GRETA GARBO at the top, and NINOTCHKA at the bottom, showing Greta Garbo and Melvyn Douglas in profile looking at each other face to face

RearWindow asks "What are some of your favourite and best 1930s films? ... I am open to comedy, drama, mystery, and all kinds as long as it is well done."

by taz

Cinema Time

steampunk timemachinesteampunk timemachine by damian.eastwood (cc by)

"I want to make a list of films that evoke a strong sense of time (and possibly place). Through dialogue, sets, etc. they transport you to the era in which they're set." In Ask Metafilter, jdroth asks, What movies act as time capsules?

by taz

Cozy New Year

cozycozy by maisha.paradox (cc by-nc)

In Ask Metafilter: "I want to have a nice cosy new year's weekend - good food, crazy cats, and something nice to read/fun to watch. The first two are covered, but suggest me something for the rest?"

by taz

Mystery Church

The scene is an excavation pit at an unidentified New York City construction site. A crew of six men can be seen shoveling dirt into a four-wheeled wooden cart. Then a full cart is slowly lifted out of the pit to street level by a steam-powered crane. These carts are similar in design to those shown dumping rubble at the end of the film New York City Dumping Wharf. Advertisements and campaign posters can be seen on the exposed wall of the building in the background.Excavating for a New York foundation, 1903

I feel like the lead character on a Hollywood Forensics show, able to produce amazing results from the other characters by saying "...Enhance." In Ask Metafilter theatro asks "Manhattan history detectives: what church is (was?) this?" and gets a great investigative analysis.

by taz

Bloody Iconic

gauzy screen-cap of Bowie head and shoulders elegant smoking a cigarette and looking hungry

Got to thinking about how Bowie was in The Hunger and Tom Waits was in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Are there other vampire movies with iconic musicians? mermaidcafe in Ask Metafilter

by taz


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