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Posts tagged with inspiration

'Tis the Season to be Linkin'

Inspiring Historic Photos?

The Flower Power photograph by Bernie Boston, taken during the March on the Pentagon, October 21, 1967

Over in Ask MetaFilter community member Number Used Once is requesting "historical photographs of events that are deeply moving and/or interesting". If you know of a particular one, please come in and share a link, or check out what others have posted!

"a machine for constructing stories"

on a black background, four colorful traditional-style tarot cardsimage via

chavenet posted Longreads' Untold Fortunes: A Reading List on the Creative Uses of the Tarot

by taz

Recommendations wanted and shared!

Photo by Anthony Kelly via Flickr (

Oh sure, you come to MetaFilter looking for links to interesting things, but it’s not the only place for compelling information! So hop on over to Ask MetaFilter, where missjenny is asking for other sources of “interesting, arty, thought-provoking, and weird sources of goodness”. Share your sources and find new ones!

Start Often, Finish Rarely

Art by Kars Alfrink, from Flickr

Do things! ALL THE THINGS! But not forever, unless you want to! Hop on the SOFA and learn a technique/way of thinking for doing projects, courtesy of this post by brainwane!

Cool Stuff

IRL, mochapickle and danabanana have organized an online meet for "The Artist's Way" (Julia Cameron's classic creativity program to help with artistic work of all kinds) starting Sunday, May 7, so check in to learn more! And over in Fanfare, DirtyOldTown has posted Trailer Park: May 2023, a collection of fresh trailers for upcoming movies. (See April Trailer Park collection here)

by taz

Bylines & Helplines

We can call for helpWe can call for help by magnetbox (cc by)

We're from Metafilter, and we're here to help. Brainwane is organizing IRL call events to help folks slay (or at least seriously injure) the procrastination demon one task at a time. In Metatalk, Paperwork & Bodywork: short virtual anti-procrastination calls.

by taz

Eye Drops

Moasic Monday : feb 25Moasic Monday : feb 25 by ali edwards (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane asks Where are the Visual Inspiration Websites These Days?

by taz

L Words

Love is in the airLove is in the air by katerha (cc by)

Love (MetaMatrimony!); Love ("thank goodness for really slow elevators"); Love (Aspasia of Miletus and the roots of western philosophy); Love ("apparently they loved the Moog"); Love ("100 ways to love a cat?"); Love ("it is only with the heart that we see correctly"); Love ("For The Exhausted and Overwhelmed); Legend ("but he never did ask"); Loss? ("I have nightmares about this article").

by taz

Super Models

signaling (animated)signaling (animated) by Genista (cc by-sa)

In fact, the proximate cause for posting this was so I could more effectively answer the question I frequently get from people I work with: "what should I learn next?"

If you didn't catch it, blahblahblah's post about Gabriel Weinberg's list of useful mental models is a good roadmap for exploring approaches to brainstorming, deciding, reasoning, negotiating, strategizing, managing, mitigating, and much more. Gray cells, activate!

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





