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Posts tagged with members

In Metatalk

  • If only I had a penguin... points out that our Wikipedia page could stand a bit of editing. Citation: Metafilter Wikipedia Page

by taz

In Metatalk: "March 31st is the International Transgender Day of Visibility. I'd like a thread for those of us who are here to talk about our experiences on MetaFilter if we want to, to raise awareness of issues, and to celebrate our lives and contributions and voices and each other."


We're Getting The Band Back Together!

StringsStrings by eleonoralbasi (cc by-sa)

Greenish is raising the flag for Mefi Music fans, old and new, in Metatalk.

by taz

More in Metatalk: The Mefi Mall is open, and you can add your shop now; MeFites for the Holidays is the spot for members who want to make connections for some seasonal bonhomie; Thinking About a Post is a thread for people to talk about posts they'd like to see or collaborate on; and finally, the current Metatalktail Hour's topic asking what obsolete technology members are skilled in is a lot of fun, if you haven't checked it out.


L Words

Love is in the airLove is in the air by katerha (cc by)

Love (MetaMatrimony!); Love ("thank goodness for really slow elevators"); Love (Aspasia of Miletus and the roots of western philosophy); Love ("apparently they loved the Moog"); Love ("100 ways to love a cat?"); Love ("it is only with the heart that we see correctly"); Love ("For The Exhausted and Overwhelmed); Legend ("but he never did ask"); Loss? ("I have nightmares about this article").

by taz


Heartland (crop)Heartland (crop) by rubixcom (cc by)

Don't miss the great posts so far for Women's March, by women members of Mefi for the month of March!

by taz

Widget is a fun word. "Widget."

Currently in MetaTalk:

Testing out a new US Politics sidebar widget – A little something to assist both hiders and seekers

WomensMarch 2: Electric Boogaloo – For the third year, members discuss encouraging women to make front page posts to the site with a March drive

by taz

New profile page visibility options

dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-)dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-) by *Psyche Delia* (cc by-nc)

Members are now offered a couple of new profile page preference choices: the ability to make their "Contributions" and "Social" fields visible only to logged-in members, and the ability to enter their geographic coordinates without this info being visible. See all the details in this Metatalk post.

by taz

stupid human tricks?

The Human CannonballThe Human Cannonball by (aka Brent) (cc by)

Eyebrows McGee asks Mefites to Tell Us A Fascinating Thing About Yourself.

by taz

Email PSA for members
A quick PSA to MetaFilter members: you should check your email address on file to make sure it's up to date so we can answer your questions, email password change requests, and contact you when needed. Thanks!

by mathowie

MeFi User Sites

Devil's Rancher shirts

Every few months I remember the MeFi User Sites blog and check it out. It's not updated super frequently, but it has been going on for a while so if you're new to it, be sure to check it out as there are deep archives of some really cool websites some MeFi members run.

originally spotted by pb
by mathowie

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





