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Posts tagged with music

Listen to the music!

Photo by Razor512, via Flickr (

Recent music posts have had a couple of greats hits (get it?!). First, box shared an interview with Neko Case and her recent memoir. Meanwhile, in Ask MetaFilter, Serene Empress Dork put out a request for quiet and pretty songs, and the recommendations are great. Wordshore created a couple of posts about the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. Finally, Lemkin touches on The Peter Brötzmann Octet's classic album "Machine Gun", which is regarded as Europe's first jazz album.

I am dinosaur, hear me take it to the bridge!

Do you like dinosaurs? Then come ska punk/dad rock/indie folk out to an album 186 million years in the making!

That’s right, Professor Goldstein & The Adjuncts, among the mightiest musicians to ever trod this earth, have put out a new album, Songs about Dinosaurs!

More female-fronted metal, you know, for the kids

publicity photo showing members of the band against a white backdropFrench metalcore act Novelists

For it is a human number / Its number is 5, 5, and 5. Did you know signal has been posting a regular series showcasing great female-fronted metal bands since October? Now you know! It's basically a Mefi metal shredfest, is what it is.

by taz

Mefi Music Radio Hour?

in Metatalk, es_de_bah pitches a new Mefi Music podcast. What a great idea!

by taz

Wow. Wow wow wow.

Screenshots from a Pop-Up Video episode featuring Tina Turner, with trivia facts displayed. The left pop-up notes, Hair is styled by Madonna and Sharon Stone's stylist, while the right pop-up states, This footage was shot over five days in early March 1996 for a Hanes pantyhose ad campaign. The song was played over and over for Tina to sing along to while striking poses. Later it was decided to turn Tina's energetic performance into a full-length video. The song mentioned is Missing You.

Between 1996 and 2002, VH1 had a show called Pop Up Video which paired music videos with trivia and jokes that "popped up" on screen, mostly without controversy ... A fabulous Kattullus collection, trivia treasure trove, megapost, and deep dive in a "Pop! Pop pop! Pop! Pop into Pop Up Video!" post. (oh, and it turns out rednikki once worked as a researcher for Eyeboogie, the Pop-Up Video producers!)

Title hat-tip to rachelfaith :D

by taz

Soundtrack for a Revolution

Dimension (1972) - Bertina Lopes (1924-2012) Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Modern Collection, Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr (

For various reasons, you might be feeling a bit revolutionary these days and needing a soundtrack to go with those emotions. Over in AskMe, mahadevan knows that feeling and is asking for help in putting together a "positive playlist for these dark times". Stop on by to add your suggestions!

Along Came Ra

Photo of Sun Ra, dressed in a celestial-themed outfit adorned with stars and wearing an intricate metallic headpiece, sits at a keyboard surrounded by Egyptian-inspired sculptures of deities and mystical artifacts in a vibrant, otherworldly settingSun Ra, Space Is the Place (1974) via IMDB

Lempkin posted Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise, one-hour documentary shot over two years, recording the late musician's celebrated and unique fusion of music, mysticism, cosmic mystery, poetry, and mythology. (Plus smashing headgear!)

by taz

Music even Brett would like

Photo by Meg Moon (

Community member Kitteh wants to share the awesome sound of the Toronto band The Beaches, so pull up a speaker and get ready to dance!

Good Stuff in Metatalk

Oh hey, the Metafilter Card Club swap is still vibing ... continuously for nearly seven whole years now! Wow! Check the thread for how to participate in this ancient tradition. Thank you, Sparky Buttons!!! Also, CMcG is sharing their 2024 Fanfare EXTRAVAGANZA, a place where folks can share their recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, and podcasts from the past year. Nice!🥳

by taz

Feeling Fine

🎶 La, la, do be doo la ba dada da mm hm ... this is a nice song! Oh wait. 😳 In Ask: "Dark lyrics, upbeat tune: Hell in a Handbasket Edition"

by taz

The New Folk Hero

The recent news events with UnitedHealthcare CEO has inspired a lot commentary. But what about a song? Well, limeonaire wrote one, a folk song titled “The New Folk Hero”. Come stop by for a listen, the lyrics and the chords!

Photo by Eli Christman, via Flickr (

A bit of Irish for ya

Image by Scott Curran, via Flickr (

I've always enjoyed traditional Irish music, so these recent uploads to the Music section by wurl1tzer_c0 have brought a smile to my face and a bit of head bobbing. Here's 30 seconds of a traditional tune and later post of another traditional tune, "Maid behind the bar" !

Music for the spooky holiday!

Photo by GlitterandFrills from Flickr (

To keep up with the most spookiest time of the year, MeFites have been getting into the mood over on MeFi Music! Valrus composed “a short, somewhat creepy guitar-arpeggio-centric near-instrumental” titled Dyscalyptus, while es_de_bahk did a “Quick and dirty lofi folk song” titled Saint Voorhees! Get into the ghouly groove!

Wait, they said what?!

Photo by Chris Amelung, via Flickr ( What happens when you put a microphone on a pole in the Mission of San Francisco, what does it pick up? Jessamyn made a post about just such a thing, the bop spotter, which isn’t about surveillance per se, but what’s poppin’ off in real-time on the street, check it out!

The Music Tree recommends ...

video screenshot of one of the Clangers cute pink, woolen, knitted mouse-like animated aliens attempting to comfort the Soup DragonDragon, Dragon, the Clangers are your special friend (video screenshot)

Directly from the Department of Strange Bedfellows, Iron Maiden's (re-scoring of) The Clangers (1969 episode of "The Egg"). Confused? Just grab yourself a bowl of soup, and have a look-see at Major Clanger's eponysterical post. (PS, yes, we have reports of Clangers fan fiction, too!).

by taz

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