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Posts tagged with experimental

Along Came Ra

Photo of Sun Ra, dressed in a celestial-themed outfit adorned with stars and wearing an intricate metallic headpiece, sits at a keyboard surrounded by Egyptian-inspired sculptures of deities and mystical artifacts in a vibrant, otherworldly settingSun Ra, Space Is the Place (1974) via IMDB

Lempkin posted Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise, one-hour documentary shot over two years, recording the late musician's celebrated and unique fusion of music, mysticism, cosmic mystery, poetry, and mythology. (Plus smashing headgear!)

by taz

More for "Analogue Wednesday"

brightly colored photo of flower with abstract backgroundPhoto by Wendy Laurel at Lomography Magazine

Film soup is an experimental analog photography technique where you soak a roll of film in different liquids to add fun, crazy colors and effects: oulipian's post Recipes for Rainbows from last month.

by taz

Book Recs vs Book Wrecks

Black Sheep Meets White SheepBlack Sheep Meets White Sheep by Ionics (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, kristi is seeking likable characters, good writing, humor. Please recommend all your well-written, likeable characters. Humor appreciated. Plot optional, while kingdead commands, Bring me the unlikeable characters! I want to read books with unhappy endings, angst and drama, body horror, miserable relationships, etc. Absolutely no redemption! If the writing is experimental, all the better.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





