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Posts tagged with space

"It's not anything we've ever heard before"

jacquilynne posted Homeowner captures sound and video of meteorite strike on camera, and scientists believe it's a first. (Also bros, boxers, belts, braces, and suspenders. You'll understand once you get there.)

by taz

Along Came Ra

Photo of Sun Ra, dressed in a celestial-themed outfit adorned with stars and wearing an intricate metallic headpiece, sits at a keyboard surrounded by Egyptian-inspired sculptures of deities and mystical artifacts in a vibrant, otherworldly settingSun Ra, Space Is the Place (1974) via IMDB

Lempkin posted Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise, one-hour documentary shot over two years, recording the late musician's celebrated and unique fusion of music, mysticism, cosmic mystery, poetry, and mythology. (Plus smashing headgear!)

by taz

Big Planck Energy

stylized illustration of a whimsical outer space scene with line art elements. It features a Max Planck figure with a crown, glasses, and a P on its chest, speaking mathematical formulas in a speech bubble. Surrounding him are various space-themed elements: UFOs, planets, an orbiting satellite, asteroids, clouds, stars, and a robotic figure on a platform. The lines and shapes are minimalist, using red, yellow, and white outlines against a dark backgroundArtwork by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Caroline Fox at

below the weak scale, everything is so intensely quantum-mechanical that it doesn't really make sense to talk about length at all anymore. Instead, we talk about energy ... You want to talk about Planck units? Because we can talk about Planck units. Well, fantabulous timewaster can, at any rate, and it's a beautiful thing.

by taz

What has transpired in the heavens!

Community member doctornemo is back at it again with a fantastic and fascinating post that covers humanity’s exploration of space. Click the link and travel inside for wealth of information to pour over!

Rockets, a lunar light switch, water, explosions, and strange noises

Look, Up In The Sky!

Cropped image by Josh Dury

The Perseid meteor shower is back and SPrintF posted about a particularly beautiful image of it!

What a view!

When you're parked about a million miles from Earth, just observing the planet, there's not a lot going on. But as pointed out in a post by Tell Me No Lies, sometimes you do get Mooned.

That's one small roll for gamers...

Ok NASA, you've sent people into space, landed on the Moon, launched science redefining telescopes, so what's next on your agenda? As Wobbuffet's post points out, creating a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) system is the agency's latest accomplishment.


Let's check in on humanity's solar system exploration before 2024 kicks in: doctornemo has made a fantastic post about the current state of developments in space, including asteroid bits, fast spaceships, JuMBOs, a space battle, and a space cat video .

by taz

Live demo of skipping a spacecraft on the atmosphere

Apollo 8 ReentryApollo 8 Reentry by NASA Goddard Photo and Video (cc by)

Community member 'automatronic' made a great comment about Artemis 1's fiery re-entry to Earth. It's an amazing recounting of a fantastic engineering feat by NASA!

Launches, landings and other elements

Hubble Marks 30 Years in Space With Tapestry of Blazing StarbirthHubble Marks 30 Years in Space With Tapestry of Blazing Starbirth by NASA Goddard Photo and Video (cc by)

Doctornemo has a fantastic post about what's been going on in the past month of humanity's exploration of space!

Give yourself grace

GoneGone by M.P.N.texan (cc by-nc)

I'm a Certified Professional Organizer ... Mefi member The Wrong Kind of Cheese again comes to our aid with great, specific advice, this time in a question about dealing with the unneeded, unused, yet still emotionally meaningful items that sometimes overwhelm our storage areas ... and our feelings.

by taz

Flapjax for Launch

Pancake Crescent Moon with Earthshine by Dawn SunrisePancake Crescent Moon with Earthshine by Dawn Sunrise (cc by-nc-nd)

What would be the logistics of making pancakes on the moon? freethefeet needs to know.

by taz

Space Trek

With a partial image of Jupiter huge in the top foreground, we see two two small moons in black space below itNASA photo of Jupiter moons

doctornemo boldly goes where ... well, it turns out almost everyone has gone before, with an impressive roundup of current space busyness and business in orbit, moon news, ambling among the astroids, snack time with a black hole, and what's stirring re Mars and Jupiter. 🌏🚀🌝🛰💫

by taz

In the dark blue sky you keep

First full-color James Webb image

As someone who's spent the better part of the last decade working on the camera, NIRCam, that took the picture...tomorrow's images are going to be even more gorgeous, let me tell you.RubixsQube, speaking in the James Webb Space Telescope first images thread. (!!)

by taz

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