"every temporary solution is permanent"
Such a great comment from gelfin in their comment on chavenet's post, Master the Art of the Product Manager "No."
Such a great comment from gelfin in their comment on chavenet's post, Master the Art of the Product Manager "No."
Original image by Andrey Grushnikov on pexels.com
Wheatlets asked "What does your daily schedule look like, hour by hour?," and it's interesting to read how various people juggle their various to-dos, must-dos, and wanna-dos vis a vis their various workloads and personality types.
Parasite Unseen (delightfully) admits to being a "spreadsheet person" in the Placeholder Girlfriend thread
My Velveteen Rabbit by Alyssa L. Miller (cc by)
"My 11 year old announced he wants to keep track of all his stuffed animals. On paper, he has maybe invented 2005 Facebook all over again, for his imagination. How can we do this?"
Gone by M.P.N.texan (cc by-nc)
I'm a Certified Professional Organizer ... Mefi member The Wrong Kind of Cheese again comes to our aid with great, specific advice, this time in a question about dealing with the unneeded, unused, yet still emotionally meaningful items that sometimes overwhelm our storage areas ... and our feelings.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
"... a totally different organizational method born from the studio practices of artists, designers, and DIYers that involves laying out related objects—paint pens and ink markers, wrenches and chisels, metal chains of all sizes—in a precise but simultaneously stylish way, intended to streamline workflow."
In Ask Metafilter, artisthatithaca asks How Do You Keep Track of Your Life? "I need a system! I need ... something! I've got my work and life calendar under control, but I need a place to keep all the little tidbits I notice, ideas, writing, things from books, lists of books I've read and want to read, thoughts on life, etc..."
renovations by in pastel (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter: DIY home reno project got you a li'l confused? dg takes a deep dive on the proper steps, in the proper order, with the proper prep to successfully un-yuck your habitat.
Recipes by pirate johnny (cc by-nc-nd)
"I have cookbooks. I have recipes printed out and shoved into cookbooks. I have recipes in Evernote. I have recipes pinned on Pinterest. How can I get all of my recipes in one spot and display them while I cook?"
i love you <3 by vivek jena (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, heavenknows asks for "ideas that are little things you can do or plan ahead for to make life a lot better later": Help me be kind to my future self!
Chantal Stevens' fitness planner on The Happy Planner blog
Don't miss divabat's amazing post on planners, planner decoration, and the planner community!
glorious by Christaface (cc by-nc-nd)
Reenum asks, "What are your best hacks for repurposing items or using them in an unusual way to help organize your kitchen?"
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.