This is the hook
Diverge by Marco Nürnberger (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, What songs reference their music in the lyrics? "Can you give me examples of songs where the lyrics reference what is happening in the music?"
Diverge by Marco Nürnberger (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, What songs reference their music in the lyrics? "Can you give me examples of songs where the lyrics reference what is happening in the music?"
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.... Vincent Van Gogh by Nick Kenrick. (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, I kind of look and feel like something they dragged out of the Chicago River. What are your favorite (relatively) quick-result ways to perk your whole deal up? Looks and spirits alike.
i love you <3 by vivek jena (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, heavenknows asks for "ideas that are little things you can do or plan ahead for to make life a lot better later": Help me be kind to my future self!
Day 131/365 - Bubblebath Therapy by Kevin H. (cc by-nc-nd)
When you just "cannot with everything that's going on in the world"...
Literary escapism for those who are Sick of This Shit
What is the 'Snowcrash' of today?
Funny, quirky, earnest movies?
Videos of favourite physical comedy moments, from movies, tv, stage, or life
between the years by AlicePopkorn (cc by-nc-nd)
Need some calming games? Fizz posts Self-Care Jam Games, "meant to give you a moment to breathe, reflect, literally take care of yourself," and members add some of their favorite calming games in the thread.
Grace - Mirror by phil41dean (cc by)
Kid, champ, you, we: what do you call yourself when you're talking to yourself?
Humor, family history and linguistic innovation: some great Mefite stories about minority languages in threads on Yiddish and Chinese dialects
Rolling your tongue and using bright light to induce a sneeze: body tricks that not everybody can do
Seeing where it all starts: fun experiments on your toddler's amazing brain
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.