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Posts tagged with fiction

Short and Sweet ... or not so sweet.

Surreal futuristic artwork featuring a large floating eye at the center of a symmetrical, mirrored cityscape. The scene includes abstract architecture with spires illuminated by red lights and a glowing horizon blending into a dreamlike atmosphereimage via

Recently from lucidium, The God of Arepo, a short comic about a farmer and a god of small things, and from PussKillian, Wolfskin, a short comic about love. Meanwhile, posts this month from brainwane include short stories about people who think they can outwit or outlast their predators, a short scifi/horror story that partially takes place in an autonomous vehicle, and a couple of speculative stories in which pairs of women figure out some things about their relationships. Not short enough? Cast your eyes upon The Key to All Mythologies from Well I never, "the embodiment of imaginary books mentioned in other books." Sweet!

by taz

Fiction by J.R. Dawson

Photo by nicholaspollock, via Flickr (

Brainwane continues their excellent streak of sharing great stories with a link to J.R. Dawson's "Six People To Revise You". It's a moving tale about searching for and finding your identity in world that gives conflicting signals, and how one focuses on the communications that matter.

Twelfth Night Till Candlemas

For this Christmas please allow us to share with you a post from verstegan that tells a story that spans decades. It's a tale of memory and discovery, of hope and wishes, the mischevious goblins of today, and the importance of Noble Professions.

A horse walks into a book store

humorous cartoon-y illustration of a horse with a surprised look on its face

The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."

by taz

"For holiday shopping or spending down those gift cards"

image of colorful fireworks exploding off the open pages of a book

Flagged as fantastic! Or as kristi says, "an absolutely marvelous paragon of a post": joannemerriam's magnificent latest roundup of more than 50 new and forthcoming small press books. 📖❣️

by taz

Yeah, let's get lost in some fiction today

Photo by Bart Everson, via Flickr (

Today is a very good day to dig into a few fantasy stories about strangers joining forces to save each other, so come check out brainwane’s latest links to several awesome stories!

Friends Help Friends Find Sci-Fi

in shades of yellow, orange, and rust, two figures in silhouette seen from the back, one in trenchcoat, hat, and boots, and one in trousers and short coat, walking towards a futuristic silhouetted cityscape with an alien sky aboveCover detail from "The Mimicking of Known Successes" by Malka Older

Can you be the friend who reads all the current sci-fi and then excitedly recommends the ones the poster might like? Omnomnom is looking for character driven stories written in the past two years or so, so help a pal out?

by taz

👻 The most spookiest time of the year 👻

Photo by Marcel Kessler, via Flickr ( Fall has arrived, which heralds the arrival of that spookiest time of the year. As such, luminary is looking for "spooky autumn-themed short stories" for a yearly, um, ritual. What do you suggest?

Time for a bit of fiction!

Grab your favorite beverage and let’s get comfortable, because brainwane has shared two short science fiction stories that deal with pain and hope. Excellent choices, thank you!

A Story Or Three?

Photo by Daniel Wehner, via Flickr (

You want a story? Maybe two? Brainwane has you covered! First up is two new short stories by Kelly Robson and Marissa Lingen. If that’s not enough, there’s a third story from a very interesting writing prompt. Enjoy!

For Your TO READ List

Image by AUM OER, via Flickr ( What is the best book you've read that very few other people have even heard of? Brainwane wants to know, no matter the genre or if it's fiction or nonfiction. Come share some good reading with us!


Nub? Python? Trench?! ANY FRUIT?! These are just a few of the terms from KJ Scott's survey about Lewd Vocabulary in Erotic Fiction. If that sort of thing interests you (and we know it does), then go ahead and log off from any work computer and check out this post created by jacquilynne.

What is the tax on second breakfast?

Are there taxes in the Shire? Tolkien never got into those details, but luckily Nathan Goldwag has given some thought to these issues as pointed out in this excellent post by Kattullus!

This intensity does not seem not-pleasant

Space shot of a beautiful orange miasma against a clouded blue background sprinkled with stars and a bright exploding supernova near the bottom of the sceneHubble Monitors Supernova In Nearby Galaxy M82 from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Mefites are expressing joy that their seeking-tendrils have encountered the short science fiction story "Hello! Hello! Hello!" by Fiona Jones ... plus general vibrating gratitude at brainwane for her sharing of awesome stories!

by taz

“I was having an emotion, and I hate that.”

Photo of author by Lisa Blaschke

MonkeyToes made a post about Martha Wells, author of the popular Murderbot series, and a keynote address she gave about the rationale behind the main character of the series. Topics range from achieving body and mental autonomy, to slavery, to the joy of a simple life, in a fascinating speech about what a sentient AI might actually want.

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