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Posts tagged with lore

Twelfth Night Till Candlemas

For this Christmas please allow us to share with you a post from verstegan that tells a story that spans decades. It's a tale of memory and discovery, of hope and wishes, the mischevious goblins of today, and the importance of Noble Professions.

The way it was

HistoriesHistories by Aldaron (cc by)

paduasoy posted "English Historical Fiction Authors," a group blog that has been going since 2011, where researchers and novelists post about British history. "There are posts about wool and war, Schools of Gardening for Ladies, beds and bugs, aspirin, theatrical censorship, magazines, tours of Ruthin and Snowdon, slipcoat cheese and posset, subversive fairy tales, and The Learned Pig," and more linked selections. Lovely.

by taz

Tagged "Truthiness"

IMG_6734IMG_6734 by dvdmnk (cc by)

In AskMetafilter, soylent00FF00 says, "I've learned that I was wrong (dead wrong!) about a couple of scientific "facts" that I had assumed were kind of "general knowledge" (for a certain nerdy sciencey kind of person), and asks, What sciencey general-knowledge "truths" did you (and presumably "everyone") believe in, that you realized were not true?

by taz

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