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Posts tagged with information

So you say you wanna protest...

Photo by Jim Kelly, via Flickr (

Feeling political are you? Well, Jabo has put together an amazing collection of ways people can participate in the political process, while joannemerriam has a roundup of over 100 small press books which provide insight and guidance on what to do next. Let's go!

An interactive timeline of infographics

If you're looking for something to sink your brain into during this final week of the year, then check out chavenet's post about the first 300 years of data visualization and information graphics. Gorgeous graphics mixed with interesting historical bits? YES, PLEASE!

The way it was

HistoriesHistories by Aldaron (cc by)

paduasoy posted "English Historical Fiction Authors," a group blog that has been going since 2011, where researchers and novelists post about British history. "There are posts about wool and war, Schools of Gardening for Ladies, beds and bugs, aspirin, theatrical censorship, magazines, tours of Ruthin and Snowdon, slipcoat cheese and posset, subversive fairy tales, and The Learned Pig," and more linked selections. Lovely.

by taz

Unclear... audience? logic? labels?

Two people viewing a wall filled with a confusing diagram of swooshing multi-color arrows connecting blocks of informationPhoto by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

spamandkimchi posted How to Play "Diagram Critique Bingo" by Abby Covert.

by taz

Scratching Around in Ask Me ...

Happy Easter!Happy Easter! by The hills are alive* (cc by)

Chickenologists calculate Gaston's breakfast needs, while other Mefites try to Whisk up the best salted oatmeal cookie recipe, file helpful insights about a career in records and information management, support the seeker of a "bralette for the large of boob," and dig for gold in search of authors with a gift for beautiful metaphors and fiction that make you see daily life differently.

by taz

Can I Vote?

VoteVote by H2Woah! (cc by-nc-nd)

lampshade has been collecting voter info resources for the US elections. Handy!

by taz

Access to government information in the US

Hollerith census machine dialsHollerith census machine dials by Marcin Wichary (cc by), more about this image

This is really, really important and it's part of a nasty larger trend that's beginning to emerge: Americans are losing access to government information that they previously had access to.
Actually, this raises a legitimate question: Who the hell is responsible for archiving and disseminating the activities of Congress via the web? There are a handful of agencies that could ostensibly be responsible for this, and none who actually want to step up to the plate.

by jessamyn

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