Scrambled in all the best ways
drewbage1847 made a post about the many, many, MANY, variations of scrambled eggs. Come enjoy this tasty list!
drewbage1847 made a post about the many, many, MANY, variations of scrambled eggs. Come enjoy this tasty list!
Deviled egg carrier question goes rogue in Ask Metafilter, devolves into delicious, delicious deviled eggs recipes (the secret is butter!). This wild, cockamamie behavior — and I cannot stress this un oeuf — is very, very naughty.
Soft Boiled Egg 3 (1) by The Noshery
International controversy: Are softboiled eggs even a thing?
Happy Easter! by The hills are alive* (cc by)
Chickenologists calculate Gaston's breakfast needs, while other Mefites try to Whisk up the best salted oatmeal cookie recipe, file helpful insights about a career in records and information management, support the seeker of a "bralette for the large of boob," and dig for gold in search of authors with a gift for beautiful metaphors and fiction that make you see daily life differently.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.