One cookie to rule them all?
inevitability needs to bake 4 dozen cookies. What is tasty, perhaps fancy, and extremely low effort?
inevitability needs to bake 4 dozen cookies. What is tasty, perhaps fancy, and extremely low effort?
Tasty allyship! (Cookie images via
the kids are under attack this year more than ever, so let's give them some joy: Bella Donna posted about how to support trans girl scouts (and enjoy some delicious GS cookies in the process)! A nice article and list from Erin Reed, and some nice stories in the comments! (h/t to prismatic7 for the title)
Top view Closeup mini cookies in vintage box with paper by shixart1985 (cc by)
In Ask MetaFilter, What are the fanciest cookies, besides macarons?
Homemade cookie ornaments by Heart Windows Art (cc by)
Sign-ups for The Great Mefi Cookie Swap are now open in Metatalk!
Holiday times! Sign up by Dec 5 for the Mefi Cookie Swap! Check out all the great stuff made by Mefites, for sale on the Mefi Mall! And follow along with the fun in the Secret Quonsar thank-you thread!
Funfetti Cookies by nancyhoang (cc by-nc-nd)
The only requirement - the recipe you choose should either be a recipe that you've made (ie, not just a random version on the internet) or you should have evaluated it and determined that it looks like a well-written recipe.
Frowner asks: These are terrible times and I'm fixing to eat my feelings ... what is the best cookie recipe?
Christmas gingerbread cookies by Fiery-Phoenix (cc by-nc-nd)
The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2017
"It’s been A Year, and we here at cookie swap central would like to bring baked joy to as many MeFites across the globe as possible." Time to sign up!
Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks
In Metatalk, "What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year."
Happy Easter! by The hills are alive* (cc by)
Chickenologists calculate Gaston's breakfast needs, while other Mefites try to Whisk up the best salted oatmeal cookie recipe, file helpful insights about a career in records and information management, support the seeker of a "bralette for the large of boob," and dig for gold in search of authors with a gift for beautiful metaphors and fiction that make you see daily life differently.
birthday cake martini with sprinkles in a glass and dipped strawberries by (cc by)
Reminder: Just a few days left to sign up for the amazing, fabulous 2016 Metafilter Cookie Swap! Also, if you are looking for a soothing politics-free zone with cool pets and warm chat with other Mefites, check out the Metatalktail Hour thread!
And a small child ... by Counselman Collection (cc by-sa)
Recently on Ask Metafilter...
And the lion shall lie down with the lamb. It's in the Bible, right? Well no, Isaiah 11.6 says the wolf will lie down with the lamb. Why do I and so many other people remember it as a lion?
What was a petrified animal doing in this tree?
Can someone explain to me why my non-stick pans are still greasy, even after I thoroughly wash them?
Marine biologists, what was that thing I saw all the time in Bermuda?
WTF Abe Lincoln Ephemera, ISO uncanny things related to Abe Lincoln
What's making this creepy noise in the woods?
How is this street performer just sitting there, balancing his bike on the front wheel?
How does the icing get on black and white cookies?
What could have killed a shrub/bush in one day?
How to completely prevent solicitors from coming to my house?
LOVE DANCING AT ORGANICA by rafeejewell (cc by-nd)
Dance, dance, dance, recently on the site:
Dance like millions are watching highlights VIBE XX winning dance crew Cookies, Wrecking Crew Orchestra's tron dance, plus a tiny dancer "killin' it"
and Swing Dancers vs. Street Dancers is a showdown between vintage and modern street dancers at Montreal Swing Riot
plus, MacArthur Genius Grant award winner, tap dancer Michelle Dorrance on Colbert
and for armchair choreographers, Gif Dance Party will free your inner Martha-Graham-Bob-Fosse-net-meme monster talent
Meanwhile on Ask Me, posters ISO "Floating" grand jeté videos, and pony dances
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The annual Metafilter Holiday Cookie Swap signups have begun!
Emptily Nested by CarbonNYC (cc by)
In a thread about a famous Christmas cookie cookbook, MetaFilter member Elsa shares an amazing personal story about cookie cutters, stern family members, and giving thanks.
The great Metafilter Holiday-Adjacent Cookie Swap of 2013: signups have begun!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.