Grandma loves Uptown Funk
Come watch as people show off their favorites dance moves with Ed People in this fantastic video shared by storybored! Grandma has the moves!
Come watch as people show off their favorites dance moves with Ed People in this fantastic video shared by storybored! Grandma has the moves!
Dance, dance, dance, recently on the site:
Dance like millions are watching highlights VIBE XX winning dance crew Cookies, Wrecking Crew Orchestra's tron dance, plus a tiny dancer "killin' it"
and Swing Dancers vs. Street Dancers is a showdown between vintage and modern street dancers at Montreal Swing Riot
plus, MacArthur Genius Grant award winner, tap dancer Michelle Dorrance on Colbert
and for armchair choreographers, Gif Dance Party will free your inner Martha-Graham-Bob-Fosse-net-meme monster talent
Meanwhile on Ask Me, posters ISO "Floating" grand jeté videos, and pony dances
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.