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Posts tagged with thanksgiving

Mefi MST Turkey Day 2024

πŸ¦ƒπŸ‘½ "Once again, we at MST Club, that tiny subset of the site that gathers to watch riffing and other things on Thursday nights ... are piping in the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day stream off of Youtube to watch in our video share room throughout Thanksgiving Day."

by taz

A couple of holiday notes in Metatalk: 2024 MetaFilter Gift Swap - Arrival - thank you and MeFites for the Holidays!


Turkey Day in the MST Club room!

"It is Thanksgiving Day, and as is our wanton wont, we are watching the official 2022 Turkey Day marathon (via their YouTube stream) of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes in the MST Club room all day long!"

by taz

Is likely to work the first time

photo of delicious looking roasted, slightly charred slender whole carrots in hues of orange and yellow on an elegant china serving plateHarissa-and-Maple-Roasted Carrots via Epicurious

Low effort, high deliciousness Thanksgiving side dishes?

by taz


Happy US Thanksgiving! There's the annual MST3K club all-day Watch Party and an open Metatalk chat thread. Thank you for being here.

Preparing to get our Jingle on!

holiday fenceholiday fence by Muffet (cc by)

Some Mefi holiday planning afoot: MeFi Holiday Card Exchange discussion here (sign up by Friday 11/23); submit your shop and/or do some shopping at the Mefi Mall featuring member goodies for sale; Mefi's traditional MST3K Turkey Day is on (but happening on Nov. 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day); if you signed up for Secret Quonsar 2018, don't forget that the send-by date is December 1!

by taz


Save it for a rainy day.Save it for a rainy day. by Neal. (cc by)

Proudly smushing up holidays since ... well, since 2018, MetaFilter is pleased to bring you Thanktoberfest, a chance to share things you're thankful for, make posts about awesome things you're grateful exist, thank other Mefites for their awesomeness, and just generally spread good vibes and gratitude

by taz

Turkey Day 2017 with MST Club

mst3k turkey day

Last year we discovered that our video sharing room worked well with the official Shout Factory YouTube stream of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day marathon. So, presuming that it works so well again, some of us will be getting together to watch bad movies all day long, official style...

Details in Metatalk!

by taz

Cookies and Metatalktails

Christmas gingerbread cookiesChristmas gingerbread cookies by Fiery-Phoenix (cc by-nc-nd)

The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2017

"It’s been A Year, and we here at cookie swap central would like to bring baked joy to as many MeFites across the globe as possible." Time to sign up!

Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks

In Metatalk, "What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year."

by taz

We Ruled the Skies

The 87th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day ParadeThe 87th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade by Anthony Quintano (cc by)

allkindsoftime on what it's like to captain a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Alice's Restaurant Megapost Flashback

From the archives: three years ago, metafilter member Miko put together an exhaustive post about Thanksgiving classic Alice's Restaurant, which is basically the perfect thing to disappear into if you need to gird yourself for family or ruminate in a postprandial stupor.

by cortex

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