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Posts tagged with MefiMall

Mefi Mall 2021

Shop the Mefi Mall for freshly picked, genuine Mefite-made stuff! Sellers, time to add/update your shop!

Face masks by Mefites

If you're looking for coronavirus face-masks made by Mefites, or if you're a seller, here's a Metatalk collecting shop links for covid supplies!

More in Metatalk: The Mefi Mall is open, and you can add your shop now; MeFites for the Holidays is the spot for members who want to make connections for some seasonal bonhomie; Thinking About a Post is a thread for people to talk about posts they'd like to see or collaborate on; and finally, the current Metatalktail Hour's topic asking what obsolete technology members are skilled in is a lot of fun, if you haven't checked it out.


Mefi holiday times

Holiday times! Sign up by Dec 5 for the Mefi Cookie Swap! Check out all the great stuff made by Mefites, for sale on the Mefi Mall! And follow along with the fun in the Secret Quonsar thank-you thread!

Preparing to get our Jingle on!

holiday fenceholiday fence by Muffet (cc by)

Some Mefi holiday planning afoot: MeFi Holiday Card Exchange discussion here (sign up by Friday 11/23); submit your shop and/or do some shopping at the Mefi Mall featuring member goodies for sale; Mefi's traditional MST3K Turkey Day is on (but happening on Nov. 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day); if you signed up for Secret Quonsar 2018, don't forget that the send-by date is December 1!

by taz

Open for business: Mefi Mall, 2017!

A giftA gift by Kalexanderson (cc by)

Check out goodies for sale from fellow Mefi members at the Mefi Mall, and add your own shop if you'd like to participate. The Metatalk discussion is over here.

by taz

Mefi Mall 2016 is open

At the Cobbler's ShoppeAt the Cobbler's Shoppe by AJ Photographic Art (cc by)

Shop local! Come on over to the Mefi Mall to check out your fellow Mefites' wares -- or list your own store, if you've got stuff for sale. Or drop by the Metatalk thread.

Holiday Commerce Reminders!

Doing some holiday shopping? You can support MetaFilter while you do it in a couple of ways:

1. Buy stuff made by members of the MetaFilter community, at the MeFi Mall. Crafty MeFites have got a bunch of neat stuff available!

2. Getting stuff from Amazon? Visit via our referrer link to let MetaFilter get a little bit of credit for the shopping you were going to do anyway.

For more details, you can check out this MetaTalk thread.

by cortex

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





