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Posts tagged with cards

Cute and cuddly card game fun

Here is dng's explanation of their quirky project: Quest Heroes is a sort of cute and cuddly (and hand drawn and fairly rough) card game version of 80s role playing board game classic Hero Quest which I made for my niece and nephew the other week (who both love Hero Quest a lot for some reason).

Join the 8th annual holiday card exchange

Photo by Chic Bee, via Flickr (

Signups are open for the 8th annual holiday card exchange!

"a machine for constructing stories"

on a black background, four colorful traditional-style tarot cardsimage via

chavenet posted Longreads' Untold Fortunes: A Reading List on the Creative Uses of the Tarot

by taz

It's the 7th MeFi Holiday Card Exchange! needlegrrl is organizing and accepting sign-ups now. Wheee! ๐Ÿ’Œ


What Might this Cardi B?
Speaking of things found on the ground (earlier), Mystery Card. Do you recognize it?

by taz

Did you know there is a Mefi Card Club for exchanges year-round? If you love sending and receiving cool paper mail, check it out! ๐Ÿ’Œ


It's a Post Party

MailboxMailbox by Eva Ganesha (cc by-nc)

The 2019 MeFi Holiday Card Exchange is happening in Metatalk! โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ“ฎ

by taz

Preparing to get our Jingle on!

holiday fenceholiday fence by Muffet (cc by)

Some Mefi holiday planning afoot: MeFi Holiday Card Exchange discussion here (sign up by Friday 11/23); submit your shop and/or do some shopping at the Mefi Mall featuring member goodies for sale; Mefi's traditional MST3K Turkey Day is on (but happening on Nov. 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day); if you signed up for Secret Quonsar 2018, don't forget that the send-by date is December 1!

by taz

Menu A La Card

Steampunk Pirates cards by Nat IwataSteampunk Pirates cards by Nat Iwata at

misteraitch reveals a full house in his post on the World of Playing Cards, "a living encyclopaedia of the history and visual art of playing cards"

by taz

(๏ฝกโ™ฅโ€ฟโ™ฅ๏ฝก) Bean Mine, Valentine

vintage valentine vintage valentine "Bee" by karen horton (cc by)

mochapickle is organizing a Valentine card exchange; discussion and sign-up info in Metatalk! ๐Ÿ’–

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





