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Posts tagged with stories

Short and Sweet ... or not so sweet.

Surreal futuristic artwork featuring a large floating eye at the center of a symmetrical, mirrored cityscape. The scene includes abstract architecture with spires illuminated by red lights and a glowing horizon blending into a dreamlike atmosphereimage via

Recently from lucidium, The God of Arepo, a short comic about a farmer and a god of small things, and from PussKillian, Wolfskin, a short comic about love. Meanwhile, posts this month from brainwane include short stories about people who think they can outwit or outlast their predators, a short scifi/horror story that partially takes place in an autonomous vehicle, and a couple of speculative stories in which pairs of women figure out some things about their relationships. Not short enough? Cast your eyes upon The Key to All Mythologies from Well I never, "the embodiment of imaginary books mentioned in other books." Sweet!

by taz

Plots all the way down

vertigo-inducing view of a spiral staircase from aboveimage via

Don't tell anyone, but wooh is looking for books that feature elaborate schemes.

by taz

"a machine for constructing stories"

on a black background, four colorful traditional-style tarot cardsimage via

chavenet posted Longreads' Untold Fortunes: A Reading List on the Creative Uses of the Tarot

by taz

"Lousy With Bears"

a goofy-looking small black bear with mouth open follows along behind an old man in a monk's robe and knapsack on a country roadMedieval illustration of St. Gallus and the bear

So it turns out a surprising number of Mefites have had up close and personal encounters with bears, though, thankfully, very few report being eaten. How To Avoid Being Eaten By A Black Bear.

by taz

40+ fitness: How, What, Why

Silhouette image of two people with a dog jogging in the early eveningPhoto by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr

A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. 💪🏽

by taz

Everyday Stories from the Ancient Past

These “forgotten papyrus” scrolls existed circa 1100 B.C. ... 1100 B.C.!! (*feeling very small*) Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History) Vienna, AustriaThese “forgotten papyrus” scrolls existed circa 1100 B.C. ... 1100 B.C.!! (*feeling very small*) Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History) Vienna, Austria by Sharon Hahn Darlin (cc by)

Love in an Orchard, as Written by the Trees. Donating Kittens to the Goddess Bastet. Parental Grief. Same-Sex Love Spells. A Runaway Child Bride. Rumple's post highlights various vignettes of ancient Middle Eastern life from the Papyrus Stories Group Blog.

Keeping Time

HistoriesHistories by Aldaron (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, ordinary_magnet says, "I'm looking for popular songs that relate events or profile people from history in a straightforward, informative way. Can you help me add to this weird playlist?"

by taz

"blissfully updated"

Ted Chiang's Ted Chiang's "Story of your life" by hwtnv2006 (cc by)

Helping to play out Doubles Jubilee month, Rhaomi with a grand updating of his 2010 post on Ted Chiang, including links to short stories, articles, essays, and interviews.

by taz

Give me your glabrous, your rugose, your shambling masses ...

Statue of LibertyStatue of Liberty by Stina Stockholm (cc by-nc-nd)

Halloween Jack on the Statue, amid many other unsettling thread remarks (brrrr!) in signsofrain's post reminiscing about how we worshipped the husk.

Enjoy! Or dip in as a palate cleanser between y2karl's Gorgo 2049 video post (SCP alert!) and GenjiandProust's “I Wear No Mask” and Other Horrors newest weird audio dramas post.

by taz

Bite-size Drama Buffet

image of a bag of chips with Drama Bites and TASTY written on the front

In Ask Metafilter, sir jective says, "I love second-hand drama of reading about terrible people or amazing situations or weird things or basically just good stories ... Essentially, I'm looking for the reading equivalent of junk food in unlimited bite-size quantities, like the written version of shelves of mini packs of Doritos."

by taz

Halloween Eve Even More Weird

Detail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film ViyDetail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film "Viy"

If you've finally gulped down Wobbuffet's fantastic Weird Tales from the 18th Century and are hungerrrring for morrrre, feast your eyes and immortal soul on (Translated) Weird Tales from the 19th Century and Weird Tales from the 20th Century, all with lots and lots of lovely, juicy online links for reading late into the witching hour.

by taz

"Tales of Wonder and Terror"

image of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943) by Dorothea TanningDorothea Tanning, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943)

Amazing post! Flagged as phantasmic*: Wobbuffet kicks off spooky season with a fabulous, deep, bookworm-friendly post on weird tales from the 18th Century.

by taz

Hugos There?

hugo awardshugo awards by trendingtopics (cc by)

Booklovers can now keep up with discussion of current Hugo nominated books and stories in Fanfare via the Hugo Awards 2019 Club

by taz

Mefi is Lit

'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz by Plum leaves (cc by)

For the bookishly inclined ...

From Mefi: Sue Halpern writes In Praise of Public Libraries for The New York Review of Books | Extraordinary 500-year-old library catalogue discovered | When Zora and Langston Took a Road Trip | Lost-children stories and Australia's uneasy mythology

On Fanfare: Hugo Nominated Short Stories, and 2019 Hugo Nominee for Best Graphic Story, On a Sunbeam, (more Hugo awards discussion here)

Popular on Ask Me: Looking for mystery and crime fiction that feature an Asian protagonist or a predominantly Asian cast of characters | Looking for post-post-collapse fiction | What to read after The Goblin Emperor? | What's next after Middlemarch? | Where to start with Lois McMaster Bujold?

by taz

"Do you remember the vicar?"

tea & thumbprint cookiestea & thumbprint cookies by (cc by)

Mefites tell their tales in the Lede-Buried Voicemails post. All these stories stray and ramble, but some are less reined in than others. (CW)

by taz

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