"Do you remember the vicar?"
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Mefites tell their tales in the Lede-Buried Voicemails post. All these stories stray and ramble, but some are less reined in than others. (CW)
End of year call-in show!
It's time again to call the MeFi voicemail with an end of year greeting or thought or whatever! Just dial (505) 663-6334 in the next few days and leave message! Details on MetaTalk.
tea & thumbprint cookies by EatLiveGrowPaleo.com (cc by)
Mefites tell their tales in the Lede-Buried Voicemails post. All these stories stray and ramble, but some are less reined in than others. (CW)
Call-in show: Tell us a joke!
We're doing another call-in show for the MetaFilter podcast, and we want to hear your jokes! Call (505) 663-6334 (or email us) and get your joke on!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.