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Posts tagged with funny

Manifestive ✨

It's a new MetaFilter tradition, the airing of manifesti!. This holiday season, some beautiful sparkling rants to decorate your curmudgeon dungeon. Thanks, Wordshore! (HT to nickmark for the title)

by taz

A horse walks into a book store

humorous cartoon-y illustration of a horse with a surprised look on its face

The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."

by taz

Cracking jokes
Gorgik had a question about a joke Tina Fey made and peppercorn slid into Ask MetaFilter to give a fuller context to the answer, thank you!

Tool Check

photo of a reproduction ancient adze with metal blade, wooden handle and jute twineNot enough of these. (adze re-enactment tool via

At some point someone dared to wonder, "what if a time-displaced MMA-fightin' Viking orphan became a carpenter's apprentice to Jesus of Nazareth?" and voila, a movie was born! But of all the tools in this production, which ones are most wrong? Jedicus helps us see the light.

by taz

daddy like a pretty baby

video game image of a scary white woman-monster with pitted face, raccoon like pale eyes black bobbed hair and white lipsThe Final Pam screenshot

Rhaomi posts about one of the funniest goddamn things ever published on the internet – McElroy brothers' Monster Factory vids, with beloved faves ... and new episodes!

by taz

Deploy the Snack

photo of a stainless steel dinnerware spoon against a white background

"We might be the only glory hole to ever be inspected and certified by the Washoe County Board of Health": aubilenon comments on curious cuisine and haute hijinks at Burning Man in the Hear Us Out thread.

by taz

Was it a bomb?

A man's hands opening a smallish Amazon box outdoorsPhoto via the OP

lianove3 recently came home to a suspicious Amazon package with no label and a threatening aura. Was it a bomb? What to do? Should the movie version of this thread star Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman? Was it all worth it just for this pun? Find out in the comments!

by taz

Where's the new The Good Place?

promo art for The Good Place showing all the main characters walking through or peeking from a woooden door labeled EARTH

Eyelash would like recs for funny shows with a similar vibe, especially if they have philosophy as a central theme.

by taz

"I stand with penguins!"

photo showing three Gentoo penguins at Dorian Bay, Wiencke Island, Antarctica, trumpeting with their heads thrown back.Penguins Trumpeting by D-Stanley (cc by)

yasaman posted How to Comment on Social Media by Rebecca Solnit and mefites are offering their cheeky addendums.

by taz

made you laugh, cry, or cheer

Illustration by Caroline, from Flickr (

In Metatalk, Monkeytoes is asking folks to Share the Hidden-Gem Comments of 2023!

by taz

I'm from the government and I'm here to help you laugh

You may be wary of the speed bump that is a dad joke, but JHarris's sharing of the the website and its treasure trove of Dad Jokes, will help you get over that! :)

Loons, so many loons

a flag drawn in crayon or colored pencil showing a red eye, a butterfly wing, moon and stars, and sunny day

"nice to see someone leaning in to the core imagery of the loon as a red-eyed nightmare being by really focusing in on the eye part to the exclusion of the rest of the bird; I feel like this is the one Minnesotan who's going to be straight with me about the Horrors" – taquito sunrise.

Minnesotans are submitting their new state flag and seal design ideas, and Mefites have opinions.

by taz


stop laughing please...stop laughing please... by John Bastoen (cc by)

It's Throwback Thursday to early 2021 (doesn't that seem like forever ago?!) when 'dances_with_sneetches' asked "What are some things that make you laugh every time you think of them?". The hivemind responds with its best!

Butterfly Kisses

Image from page 195 of Image from page 195 of "The naturalist's library; containing scientific and popular descriptions of man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects;" (1850) by Internet Archive Book Images

If the leopard caucuses long enough with the face eating party, maybe look askance when it asks you for butterfly kisses. That's all I'm saying. Good general advice, and too-good-to-pass-up quote from sciatrix in the thread on The Next Front in the GOP’s War on Women: No-Fault Divorce from hydra77.

by taz

the sum of your desire

Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune by designsbykari (cc by)

you have elected to spin the wheel, a choice as pointless yet inevitable as life itself ... What if Werner Herzog were Pat Sajak's replacement?

by taz

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