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Posts tagged with Mefites

No Chains Can Bind The MeFite!

[COMMUNITY] What have you broken free from? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

Manifestive ✨

It's a new MetaFilter tradition, the airing of manifesti!. This holiday season, some beautiful sparkling rants to decorate your curmudgeon dungeon. Thanks, Wordshore! (HT to nickmark for the title)

by taz

All Fun and Games

Close-up photo showing the edge of a monopoly board with the race car playing piece on the Go To Jail square and a small red plastic house on an adjacent square

Nice weekly free thread discussing the games we play! Don't miss Wobbuffet's commentary about the history of parlor games from antiquity to the present, and how old games reveal themselves in modern equivalents.

by taz

84 hours of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials

WatchingWatching by Marcin Wichary (cc by)

Come one, come all and gather around the computer screen for our 10th annual holiday fun of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials! Starting at noon eastern time on December 22, community member JHarris is leading the charge into destressing! It's time to relax and chat, while watching all sorts of movies and fun! This will last for just a little over three days (through Dec 25), so feel free to drop and out as you please!

popular monsters

pale and scary screaming people with empty eyes in dim eerie lighting jammed up against a window protesting masksThat Ohio protest photo that looked like a zombie movie, by Joshua A. Bickel, via The Washington Post -- and darkstar

Mefites have their own ideas about what sorts of horror films would fit the current zeitgeist, from the Second Monster, to bacon-enraged intestine-slurping aliens to posh Freddy Krueger (requires billionairity), to how difficult it is to clean a bathroom when evil forces keep messing things up again, plus stories! ... And opinions! Many Opinions!

by taz

Overthinking a plate of Jellicles?

Show us your pretties!

infini artworkinfini's Girl in the Wind by Midori Takaki

I'm feeling the need for some beauty and some MeFite sharing, so let's see (and/or read about) your favorite object of beauty in your living space

In Metatalk, Eyebrows McGee invites us up to share our etchings!

by taz

Heyyyy, whatcha readin'?

Books@Leadenhall MarketBooks@Leadenhall Market by Dave Pearce (London) (cc by-nc-nd)

I thought it would be interesting if mefites posted lists of what they plan to or have read, listened to, or watched this summer. I don't want to leave out people in the Southern Hemisphere, though, so feel free to post seasonal lists for whatever the season you may be experiencing!

ArbitraryAndCapricious asks Mefites to share their seasonal reading/ listening/ whatever list

by taz

srs bsns

news b(e)aconnews b(e)acon by allfr3d (cc by-nc)

That time the Prophets of Rage post turned into a silly geriatric 90s band names riff

That time the Tronc post was troncly troncd. Tronc.

That time the Just Two Things post went exactly as expected

That time the Calendar of (Unofficial) Events post turned into a Ralphabet thread

Bonus: That time we thought about overthinking the post about overthinkers

by taz

Spinach in Ur MetaTalk

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747 by Ape Lad (cc by-nc-nd)

lately in MetaTalk:

Why, the site is a glorious peacock!: Announcing More Color for the Classic Theme

Mefi Podcast 114 is out: "I Say It's Spinach, And To Hell With It"

Discussing Books in Fanfare: Let's talk about books, baby

How YOU doin'?: What's new, MeFites? Have a life update you'd like to share?

by taz

most excellent fancy

Sausalito, CASausalito, CA by ClatieK (cc by-nd)

The very recent 'rats in the shitter' ...
posted by Fig

God, I think I laughed at Rats in the Shitter for 10 minutes straight posted by thetortoise

I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread!: In Metatalk, phunniemee asks Mefites for "your favorite funny comments, moments where other mefites have made you giggle uncontrollably"

by taz

MeFi Music "City Songs" are here!

shackle_originales_07shackle_originales_07 by carmela alvarado art (cc by-nc-nd)

Aw yeah! The results of the Mefi Music challenge for May/June, with the theme City Songs, are queued up and ready to play! The MetaTalk thread discussing the effort and the tunes that emerged from this 77th (!) MeMu Challenge is here. Enjoy!

by taz

Show Us Your Desk, 2015 Edition

Phunniemee, Meta-recursivelyphunniemee, Meta-recursively

In Metatalk: Mefites share images of their desks, work spaces, squee places, head spaces, wee places, and spacey spaces. <3

by taz

Talkin' 'bout Mom's g-g-generaaaation

Let's dance MommyLet's dance Mommy by W. Visser

Mefites share memories of moms and their music in the current "What is Mom Rock?" thread.

by taz

Mefites' Choice 2014 winners, Week One

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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