Venus in Furs
The cat in question (Vatnesine photo)
Our cat is very very shiny, it is one of her main skills ... In Ask Metafilter, Vatnesine wonders What is the albedo rating of my very shiny cat?
The cat in question (Vatnesine photo)
Our cat is very very shiny, it is one of her main skills ... In Ask Metafilter, Vatnesine wonders What is the albedo rating of my very shiny cat?
infini's Girl in the Wind by Midori Takaki
I'm feeling the need for some beauty and some MeFite sharing, so let's see (and/or read about) your favorite object of beauty in your living space
In Metatalk, Eyebrows McGee invites us up to share our etchings!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.