The Internet Is For Them!
You want scenes of cats? ‘Cause this is how you get scenes of cats, courtesy of Pink Fuzzy Bunny’s Ask MetaFilter question!
You want scenes of cats? ‘Cause this is how you get scenes of cats, courtesy of Pink Fuzzy Bunny’s Ask MetaFilter question!
Cat Distribution System: How to deploy? Sweetie Darling gets advice on initiating the procedure and updates us with results. Mid-Operation: "We've made eye contact and I love him"; Current Status: installed in guest room and purring like a Hemi.
There is a cat named Fraggle Rock in this world! Come check out the illustrated diary (shared by Pallas Athena) of the adventures of settling in to their home, as told by the artist 'AM'! 🐈🐈⬛
Our cat is very very shiny, it is one of her main skills ... In Ask Metafilter, Vatnesine wonders What is the albedo rating of my very shiny cat?
Mefite shares harrowing personal experience with "serial offender" Quilty, of #FreeQuilty notoriety
Portland Acockalypse story leaked by on-the-ball members, plus mefites debate the collective noun for dildos... and an update.
Mefites fail to fully embrace (sometimes eponysterically) the fashion forward feline fad of cat bum bling.
Egg Master: Shoggoth incubator or perfect housewarming gift? Either way, Happy Dave gives us the phrase we didn't know we always needed for "the slightly nauseated, damp kind of lurching gut horror you get when you see something truly distasteful."
After seven long weeks, the prodigal cat returns! I am overjoyed -- I don't think I realized how much I missed her until I had her back in my arms.
tickingclock gets good results from hiring a pet detective.
Read along with k8t's AskMe about luring back her cat who escaped during a cross-country trip at Devils' Tower and has recently been spotted.
update: Tina has been found!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.