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Posts tagged with rescue

Survival of the Witless

photo of two visible people on a rocky riverbed surrounded by large, smooth stones with a forested area in the backgroundPacific Northwest Trail Association trail crew members on the bank of the Chilliwack River tend to Robert Schock (not visible). Photo via Pacific Northwest Trail Association

ShooBoo posts about the fellow who went missing for 30 days on the North Cascades Chilliwack River Trail, and the thread is full of interesting stories and info, including The 10 Essentials for hiking, loquacious' Complete Handbook On How Not to Be A Doofus, and PareidoliaticBoy's tale with tips for vehicular preparedness. Dear adventurers, please read before gadding about.

by taz

Best dam 3 minutes on Youtube so far this year

Brushes With Fame

Poster with image of cat face and FreeQuilty QuiltyNotGuilty and NoMoreDoors text

Mefite shares harrowing personal experience with "serial offender" Quilty, of #FreeQuilty notoriety

by taz

A star for you, and you, and you...

StarsStars by sudoaptgetupdate (cc by-nd)

Thank you, shiny MeFites, for all the great comments every day! Here are a few recent sparklers:

bonehead describes some of the challenges of search and rescue response to a large cruise ship going down in Arctic waters

citygirl on what it's like to work on a cargo ship

not that girl lays down some deep knowledge of the US men's Olympic gymnastics team

NotMyselfRightNow worked with Alvin Toffler: "He was probably the largest individual purchaser of filing cabinets in California"

What were new the hot bands in Vancouver in the 1980s? philip-random can help, because "I was doing radio there at the time. Still am."

flug bringing the amazing detective work in an AskMe about an old mystery play, David and Abigail

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





