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Posts tagged with River

Survival of the Witless

photo of two visible people on a rocky riverbed surrounded by large, smooth stones with a forested area in the backgroundPacific Northwest Trail Association trail crew members on the bank of the Chilliwack River tend to Robert Schock (not visible). Photo via Pacific Northwest Trail Association

ShooBoo posts about the fellow who went missing for 30 days on the North Cascades Chilliwack River Trail, and the thread is full of interesting stories and info, including The 10 Essentials for hiking, loquacious' Compleat Handbook On How Not to Be A Doofus, and PareidoliaticBoy's tale with tips for vehicular preparedness. Dear adventurers, please read before gadding about.

by taz

Peace and quiet by the river

screenshot from a video of Yo-Yo Ma playing Back by a river in the Great Smoky mountains of America.

Are you having one of THOSE days and needing a bit of soothing peace? Then come sit by a river in the Smoky Mountains of America and listen to Yo-Yo Ma play Bach, in this post by yankeefog.

So satisfying

Handmade oven image李子柒 Handmade oven

In case you missed them, see the Mahlongwa River breach as a tiny trickle turns into a raging torrent; watch a short, quiet, idyllic video of Li Zikai building a cat-shaped brick-and-clay oven from scratch; read the secrets of a diary written on castle floorboards; view a compendium of four short films about a Kyoto dye workshop that creates a range of rare and beautiful colors solely with plants and other natural materials.

by taz

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