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Good Things

Tell us something good! It's your weekly Free Thread! Or you can let us meta-pet your Meta Pet in the Metacritter Metatalk thread! 🐶🐱

by taz

Language, please!

حر, Free, Frei, Gratis, Dohainik ... It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

I'd quite like to be my cat — paduasoy

Who would you be, if you could be anyone? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

No Chains Can Bind The MeFite!

[COMMUNITY] What have you broken free from? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz


What sort of noises do you make? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

Good Morning

Good Stuff in Metatalk

Oh hey, the Metafilter Card Club swap is still vibing ... continuously for nearly seven whole years now! Wow! Check the thread for how to participate in this ancient tradition. Thank you, Sparky Buttons!!! Also, CMcG is sharing their 2024 Fanfare EXTRAVAGANZA, a place where folks can share their recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, and podcasts from the past year. Nice!🥳

by taz


Hey, it's Mefi Bingo! Be cool, get square!

by taz

The signs are posted all over town

Reality is collapsing. There are no rules. But there is a Thread. It's weekly. It's free. It's your weekly #freethread. Say hello to Mrs. French's cat if you see her there.

by taz

Hot Today 🌞

the weekly Free Thread is always a bright spot

by taz

Modern Pen Pal

depending on whim, you may also receive an artifact of some type ... In Metatalk, chiefthe re-ups their Continuing Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project, wherein they post a handwritten letter to any mefite requesting one. Sweet! ✍🏼 ✉️

by taz

It's the 7th MeFi Holiday Card Exchange! needlegrrl is organizing and accepting sign-ups now. Wheee! 💌


The Thirsty Mailbox

Photo by Rozan Naufal on Unsplash: rows of numbered, locked post boxes with one open and empty

Going To Maine posts David Friedman’s small collection of URLs you can use to stop getting (a bunch of) junk mail (in the US) ... and furnace.heart adds an arousing fourth option in the comments.

by taz

Advent Gifties

christmas project #3 : advent boxeschristmas project #3 : advent boxes by ali edwards (cc by)

dorothyisunderwood has proposed #Advent2022 posting for December: "I'm committing to post an FPP every day from Dec 1 to Dec 24 for Metafilter - seeing more activity and diversity on the blue is a direct action to boost Metafilter for our current and future users. Please join in and tag away with #Advent2022!" Here's the tag.

by taz

Four years of Mefi Card Club!

PostcardsPostcards by Matt Perich (cc by)

In Metatalk: "Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018, and is still going strong today — that is over four years!"

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





