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Posts tagged with correspondence

Modern Pen Pal

depending on whim, you may also receive an artifact of some type ... In Metatalk, chiefthe re-ups their Continuing Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project, wherein they post a handwritten letter to any mefite requesting one. Sweet! ✍🏼 ✉️

by taz

"everything is so expensive"

beautifully handwitten letter on old paperBen Browne letter to his father via

chariot pulled by cassowaries posted This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London, a collection of letters describing a 27-year-old’s office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.

by taz

Secret Diaries in a small world

Astrid Lindgren notebookPages from one of Lindgrens' notebooks. Photo credit: Andrea Davis Kronlund / Kungliga Biblioteket via

It's a small world. This man's granddaughter - whose wartime letter was read by Astrid Lindgren and copied in secret - teaches my daughter violin.

Three blind mice comments in the Astrid Lindgren wartime diaries thread on his friendship with the son of the letter-writer whose missive to his brother led Lindgren to write: "Hitler apparently intends to transform all of Poland into a ghetto, where the poor Jews will die of hunger and filth..."

by taz

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