Modern Pen Pal
depending on whim, you may also receive an artifact of some type ... In Metatalk, chiefthe re-ups their Continuing Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project, wherein they post a handwritten letter to any mefite requesting one. Sweet! ✍🏼 ✉️
depending on whim, you may also receive an artifact of some type ... In Metatalk, chiefthe re-ups their Continuing Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project, wherein they post a handwritten letter to any mefite requesting one. Sweet! ✍🏼 ✉️
Ben Browne letter to his father via
chariot pulled by cassowaries posted This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London, a collection of letters describing a 27-year-old’s office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.
Pages from one of Lindgrens' notebooks. Photo credit: Andrea Davis Kronlund / Kungliga Biblioteket via
It's a small world. This man's granddaughter - whose wartime letter was read by Astrid Lindgren and copied in secret - teaches my daughter violin.
Three blind mice comments in the Astrid Lindgren wartime diaries thread on his friendship with the son of the letter-writer whose missive to his brother led Lindgren to write: "Hitler apparently intends to transform all of Poland into a ghetto, where the poor Jews will die of hunger and filth..."
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