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Posts tagged with 1700s

"everything is so expensive"

beautifully handwitten letter on old paperBen Browne letter to his father via

chariot pulled by cassowaries posted This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London, a collection of letters describing a 27-year-old’s office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.

by taz

"Back In My Day"

Scholars at a Lecture by William Hogarth

Okay, so I said I'd tell the full story of the perennially misbehaving student from the 18th-century. Here it is!

Catseye presents a provocative potboiler about a puckish pupil from the past.

by taz

♪ We'll order now what they ordered then ♫

17th Century commonplace book17th Century commonplace book via

Before Jezebel, The Toast, and Twitter there were wise and witty women handily perpetrating "epic feminist takedowns of the ages," as illustrated in yarntheory's interesting post about Mary Collier and her 18th century poem, "The Woman's Labour"

... and before Pinterest and Evernote and Tumblr, "there was the humble commonplace book, a space for gathering and reflecting on ideas, quotations, observations, lines from poems, and other information." MonkeyToes gives us a loving magpie's roundup of this "venerable tradition of idea curation."

by taz

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