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Posts tagged with authors

Suffering like a heroine

image showing a woman in 18th century dress holding a lantern aloft and pulling back the bed curtain to find a shirtless man apparently stabbed to death in his sleep detail of etching, Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho, G.G. & J.Robinson of London, 1794.

"She was all but forgotten. Now the 18th-century author's republished novels reveal why she made such an extraordinary contribution to literature." Kliuless posted about author Anne Radcliffe, credited with inventing the psychological novel of suspense (plus two more women in publishing who have virtually been written out of the popular genres they helped create).

by taz

"Amazing writers, never heard of 'em"

photo of a question mark made of booksImage via Dreamstime

In Ask Metafilter, sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"

by taz

Smooth Criminal?

Black and white cartoon style silhouette of a bad guy in hat and cape looking back over his shouldermodified from an original image from Gareth Simpson on flickr

In Ask Metafilter, Not A Thing is looking for Skilful criminals criming skilfully: "Donald Westlake/Parker fans, what have you found that scratches a similar itch? I'm looking for something where a criminal is at the center of the story: no cops, wannabe cops or vigilantes. Like a police procedural, but for the other side."

by taz

A Reader's Treasure Box

Under the starsUnder the stars by Fan.D & Dav.C Photgraphy (cc by)

IYKYK, but Wobbuffet has made a list, and that's always a reason to celebrate. This one breaks out recommended books that authors have enjoyed reading this year, plus adds links to excellent readable online works by each of those recommending authors. A labor of love for the end of a tough year. 💖

by taz

"My father is still known"

B o o k sB o o k s by Kate Mereand (cc by)

There are ghosts in all those haunted basements who are worth knowing. And there's no shame in being one of those ghosts: MrVisible with a poignant reflection on underloved books and their authors in the literary rejection thread.

by taz

Write or Wrong

Torn & Cut One Dollar Note Floating Away in Small $ PiecesTorn & Cut One Dollar Note Floating Away in Small $ Pieces by photosteve101 (cc by)

headspace on the affluence / class privilege connection among editors and writers in the publishing world

by taz

Goo Dreads

Close up of a burning bookClose up of a burning book by wuestenigel (cc by)

Speaking as an author here: I hate Goodreads and want it to die. — cstross in bitteschoen's post on Goodreads’ problem with extortion scams and review bombing

by taz

"Tales of Wonder and Terror"

image of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943) by Dorothea TanningDorothea Tanning, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943)

Amazing post! Flagged as phantasmic*: Wobbuffet kicks off spooky season with a fabulous, deep, bookworm-friendly post on weird tales from the 18th Century.

by taz

"The reader, reading it, makes it live"

book 23book 23 by kruzul (cc by-sa)

Lots of great reading recommendations by members in the 50 Must-Read Fantasy Books by Women thread

by taz

Scratching Around in Ask Me ...

Happy Easter!Happy Easter! by The hills are alive* (cc by)

Chickenologists calculate Gaston's breakfast needs, while other Mefites try to Whisk up the best salted oatmeal cookie recipe, file helpful insights about a career in records and information management, support the seeker of a "bralette for the large of boob," and dig for gold in search of authors with a gift for beautiful metaphors and fiction that make you see daily life differently.

by taz

♪ We'll order now what they ordered then ♫

17th Century commonplace book17th Century commonplace book via

Before Jezebel, The Toast, and Twitter there were wise and witty women handily perpetrating "epic feminist takedowns of the ages," as illustrated in yarntheory's interesting post about Mary Collier and her 18th century poem, "The Woman's Labour"

... and before Pinterest and Evernote and Tumblr, "there was the humble commonplace book, a space for gathering and reflecting on ideas, quotations, observations, lines from poems, and other information." MonkeyToes gives us a loving magpie's roundup of this "venerable tradition of idea curation."

by taz

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