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Posts tagged with fantasy

Ok, how would you like your snakes trimmed today?

Screenshot from film

Everyone wants to look their best, even creatures of fantasy. So step right and make yourself comfy for this post by Tau Wedel and see how everything can be better for almost everyone with the right haircut!

"the artwork was so cool"

depiction of an ancient stepped pyramid resembling Mayan architecture, set against a vibrant natural backdrop. The structure, surrounded by lush green jungle, is illuminated by soft lights along its steps. A calm, vivid blue ocean lies in the foreground, with the scene set against a warm and colorful sunset sky, blending orange, pink, and blue hues. The image evokes a tranquil yet majestic atmosphere.image via (not the book cover art!)

I remember this old paperback in my old used bookstore where Greek or Roman voyagers end up in America and meet the Mayans ... suburbanbeatnik is looking for a particular hard-to-find DAW paperback from the 1970s

by taz

Yeah, let's get lost in some fiction today

Photo by Bart Everson, via Flickr (

Today is a very good day to dig into a few fantasy stories about strangers joining forces to save each other, so come check out brainwane’s latest links to several awesome stories!

"...magic and mystery boil down to very simple universal truths and lessons..."

Photograph of a stack of booksPhoto by Steven Miller, via Flicker:

Cupcakeninja posted a link to 30 of the best fantasy novels of all time and we're drawn in by the comments. There's various opinions about what is and isn't on the list, come share your thoughts!

A Mystery That Should Not Exist

A years long search for the cover artist of an edition of "A Wrinkle in Time" comes to an end with the help of WBUR's Endless Thread podcast

"We’ll need writers who can remember freedom"

black and white photo of Le Guin in dark blouse and light colored skirt sitting in front of a bookcase, arms on knees, smiling at cameraLe Guin in 2009. Photo via Wikipedia, by Marian Wood Kolisch, Oregon State University

humbug posts the shortlist for the Inaugural Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction!

by taz


"something disturbing to raise your spirits"

LeftoversLeftovers by JD Hancock (cc by)

GenjiandProust's Increasingly Strange Stories for an Increasingly Strange Year is another faboo roundup of weird audio dramas, again with tons of info and links to each one ... And for yet more weird and wonderful, PussKillian has posted NPR's excellent list of the best Science Fiction and Fantasy books of the last decade. Cheers! 👾

by taz

Bookfilter: Magical Economies

colorful stock exchange board with dancing flame in front of it

In Ask Metafilter, miles per flower asks, "I've recently enjoyed a couple books that dive deep on what magic costs — Sanjena Sathian's Gold Diggers and Naomi Novik's A Deadly Education — and I'm looking for more to read along those lines: detailed mechanics and economic systems, with magic as the currency and thoughtful attention to economic metaphors. Suggestions?"

by taz


Series poster with the words Lovecraft Country on black background

Mefites are talking about Lovecraft Country on the blue, and in Fanfare.

by taz

Dragon up old memories...

illustration of frightening semi-skeletal black dragon perched on skull in dark and poisonous marsh

God, I miss the days when I would stay up til 3am reading the Drizzt books and the Dragonlance books, loving every word on the page and also going through an entire package of oreos and a half gallon of milk while reading them, and my metabolism would say "No worries, I got you, fam!" lord_wolf

Mefites remember the Forgotten Realms pulp fantasy novels of the '90s

by taz

Hugo Kudos

The Calculating Stars cover detailThe Calculating Stars cover detail

All Hugo Award Winners 2019 in Fanfare, and Archive of Our Own wins the 2019 Hugo for Best Related Work in Metafilter blue. Earlier: Hugo Nominated Novelettes and Hugo Nominated Short Stories in Fanfare, and The 2019 Hugo Awards Finalists in the blue.

by taz

"The reader, reading it, makes it live"

book 23book 23 by kruzul (cc by-sa)

Lots of great reading recommendations by members in the 50 Must-Read Fantasy Books by Women thread

by taz

Hugos There?

hugo awardshugo awards by trendingtopics (cc by)

Booklovers can now keep up with discussion of current Hugo nominated books and stories in Fanfare via the Hugo Awards 2019 Club

by taz

Story Board

Reading by the fireReading by the fire by isfullofcrap (cc by)

Wobbuffet has been crushing it with wonderful posts about excellent SF/F short stories, and the latest, Some reviews & reviewers of 2018's SF/F short fiction so far, is a link-rich feast for hungry readers ... but check it out: nearly every day in July so far has been a new treat:

Three recent SF/F short stories about memories lost and found

"We are chaos. We are the teeth of dragons, shed like seeds."

Relationships unfolding in moments of realization--two SF/F stories

Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.179

Four charming and/or dryly humorous SF/F short stories

Winner of The White Review Short Story Prize for 2018

Stay tuned!

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





