We put on our robe and our wizard hat ...
Photo by Scott Swigart on Flickr
Wobbuffet casts a mage hand with a smashing megathread for Dungeons & Dragons 50th birthday (more or less)! 🐉
Photo by Scott Swigart on Flickr
Wobbuffet casts a mage hand with a smashing megathread for Dungeons & Dragons 50th birthday (more or less)! 🐉
God, I miss the days when I would stay up til 3am reading the Drizzt books and the Dragonlance books, loving every word on the page and also going through an entire package of oreos and a half gallon of milk while reading them, and my metabolism would say "No worries, I got you, fam!" — lord_wolf
Mefites remember the Forgotten Realms pulp fantasy novels of the '90s
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.