The Sims 1 - (The Original Life Sim) via YouTube
The best Sims post ever built. Flagged as fanatic.
The Sims 1 - (The Original Life Sim) via YouTube
The best Sims post ever built. Flagged as fanatic.
We're Old School, we're Vibrant, a Shining Beacon, we're a Time Capsule, a Digital Brigadoon. I guess you could say we are getting a little long in the tooth ... and claw.
It's been 25 years since SpongeBob SquarePants first appeared and Rhaomi made a fantastic megapost in celebration! Come check out all the various origins of characters, behind the scenes information and more about everyone's favorite sponge!
Photo by Paul Wilkinson via Flickr (
Photo by Scott Swigart on Flickr
Wobbuffet casts a mage hand with a smashing megathread for Dungeons & Dragons 50th birthday (more or less)! 🐉
Fatboy Slim by alterna2 (cc by)
Hippybear provides us with this week's Throwback Thursday, which is about the 25th anniversary of Fatboy Slim's album "You've Come A Long Way, Baby" and the various sources of the musical and vocal samples.
oh to be 20 again..... by Beatnik Photos (cc by)
AskMetafilter recently turned 20 and various members stopped by to give a shout out! Here's to 20 more! How should we celebrate when AskMe turns 21?!
In Metatalk, the podcast has its 16th anniversary (and all episodes now have transcripts!), and Fizz posts an open gaming thread.
Happy 20th Anniversary, MetaFilter
MetaFilter is twenty years old today! It's sort of weird and wonderful and unbelievable. Here's a MetaTalk post to talk about what this place means, and share memories, and celebrate.
They Might Be Giants - John Flansburgh by CLender (cc by)
In 1990, They Might Be Giants released their classic album "Flood". Over the last few months, musicians on MeFi Music have been posting cover songs for the entire album, which was recently completed, and all tracks can be heard here just in time for the 25th anniversary.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.