Rockets, a lunar light switch, water, explosions, and strange noises
Venus' lower clouds, via
doctornemo posted a great roundup of true adventures in space, July-August 2024.
Venus' lower clouds, via
doctornemo posted a great roundup of true adventures in space, July-August 2024.
Reading by the fire by isfullofcrap (cc by)
Wobbuffet has been crushing it with wonderful posts about excellent SF/F short stories, and the latest, Some reviews & reviewers of 2018's SF/F short fiction so far, is a link-rich feast for hungry readers ... but check it out: nearly every day in July so far has been a new treat:
Three recent SF/F short stories about memories lost and found
"We are chaos. We are the teeth of dragons, shed like seeds."
Relationships unfolding in moments of realization--two SF/F stories
Four charming and/or dryly humorous SF/F short stories
Winner of The White Review Short Story Prize for 2018
Stay tuned!
365.342 - Cracker Jack by nettsu (cc by-nc-nd)
Hey, hey, it's July Best Post Contest! Now with delicious CATEGORIES: "Weekly Best Post," "First and Second Time Posters," "Mod Categories," and "Member Categories."
Come add your own prize category! Vote for the best posts! Make a cool post and win a prize and/or the adulation of your peers!
kimberly-ellen-hall nottene JULY calendar by brella (cc by-nc-sa)
Viggorlijah posts a Metatalk inviting women to participate in a July experiment to increase front page posts by women: "Women post to the front page proportionally less often, and I want to see if we can shift that. By my calculations ... only about 8% (lowballed because women don't identify themselves always on profiles) of FPPs are made by women. This is much lower than the number of self-reported women on Metafilter, and lower than the percentage of women commenting."
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.