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Posts tagged with news

Looking for more news sources!

US Politics post, beware!

With Trump continuing to...well, be Trump, and the major media outlets being too biased, essexjan asks the real question over in Ask MetaFilter: Where should I get my US political news from? Come on in and find other sources of news that (hopefully) are more than doom scrolling.

Savory Satire

It’s been said that once you peel away the layers, satire is simply a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of reality. Which makes rubatan’s post about “india’s Most Honest News Source” a particularly savory and hilarious read!

Rockets, a lunar light switch, water, explosions, and strange noises

Tape To Wall

ON THE MEDIA logo, all text

Apropos of nothing in particular, EndsOfInvention reminds us of The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook. Always good to keep at hand.

by taz

Driving eyeballs to the station

typical TV news show graphic with white BREAKING NEWS text and blue laser light show style background

"The first Eyewitness News theme was literally lifted from the 007 James Bond movie theme" ... Wow! flug has a fantastic, chewy answer full of background and context for nouvelle-personne's fascinating question, "Tell me more about news music. What is it doing to me?"

by taz

"It's not all gloom and doom"

 A wooden crosspost sign with the word HOPE and an arrow pointing right against a bright blue skyPhoto by pol sifter on Flickr: sign pointing to the village of Hope, Derbyshire UK

hippybear posted 66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023

by taz

Alt links for Ukraine updates

Transition Team initial discussion summary and kickoff
As part of the ongoing changes in how MetaFilter is managed, cortex had an initial meeting Friday with several MeFites to kick off a temporary Transition Team. This MetaTalk post summarizes that meeting and various ideas and questions that came out of it, and is the start of a process that seeks to involve folks throughout the MetaFilter community in working toward the next steps for the site.

by cortex


ConnectedConnected by hosszuka (cc by-sa)

Following the news from around the world -- threads worth digging into, as Mefites share their insights on:

- the forthcoming Catalan independence referendum in Spain
- the just-completed election in New Zealand
- the "most ridiculous constitutional crisis" in Australia, and
- the scandal leading to the collapse of the government in Iceland.

Spinach in Ur MetaTalk

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747 by Ape Lad (cc by-nc-nd)

lately in MetaTalk:

Why, the site is a glorious peacock!: Announcing More Color for the Classic Theme

Mefi Podcast 114 is out: "I Say It's Spinach, And To Hell With It"

Discussing Books in Fanfare: Let's talk about books, baby

How YOU doin'?: What's new, MeFites? Have a life update you'd like to share?

by taz

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