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Posts tagged with media

(Water)Cooler than You

close-up detail of A Complete Unknown film poster showing Timothée Chalamette as Bob Dlan in singlasses against a white backgroundcompletely unknown? Ways to promote Fanfare on the site ...

In Metatalk, people are talking about ideas for promoting and surfacing more Fanfare activity, and in Fanfare itself, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Nosferatu, Yacht Rock, and A Complete Unknown are among current hot topics. See more at the Watercooler!

by taz

"That's So Nice Of You"

Out in the among the intertubes of the internet, AlSweigart found...something, and decided to share the surreal journey. You may never ask a stranger to take a photo of you again or you may ask every stranger to take a photo of you, the journey is just wonderfully odd!

Tape To Wall

ON THE MEDIA logo, all text

Apropos of nothing in particular, EndsOfInvention reminds us of The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook. Always good to keep at hand.

by taz

Driving eyeballs to the station

typical TV news show graphic with white BREAKING NEWS text and blue laser light show style background

"The first Eyewitness News theme was literally lifted from the 007 James Bond movie theme" ... Wow! flug has a fantastic, chewy answer full of background and context for nouvelle-personne's fascinating question, "Tell me more about news music. What is it doing to me?"

by taz

I'm Doctor Frasier Crane, and I'm animated

screenshots from the animated collaboration Our Fraiser RemakeScreenshots from the project An absolutely amazing animation, highlighted by Seekerofsplendor, where over 130 artists have collaborated to recreate a single episode of the American sitcom 'Fraiser'.

TV worth watching!

photo of streaming menu on a television

Kat Allison shared a post about the 40 Best Stand-Alone TV Episodes (Slate) and reactions to it are great. Check out the various and wide ranging alternate suggestions in the comments!

whole realms out of nothing

13 - Foggy tracks13 - Foggy tracks by m_arty_c (cc by)

"... observed from a little yellow room hanging inexplicably alone in the atmosphere of Neptune." The only thing better than reading this warm, evocative (and sometimes shocking!) reminiscence by sonascope of falling in love with audio stories would be to hear the tale told in sonascope's own voice.

by taz


Le Jour ni l’Heure 6327 : Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1617-1682, Saint Pierre en larmes, c. 1650-1655, musée des Beaux-Arts de Bilbao, lundi 29 mai 2017, 12:37:42Le Jour ni l’Heure 6327 : Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1617-1682, Saint Pierre en larmes, c. 1650-1655, musée des Beaux-Arts de Bilbao, lundi 29 mai 2017, 12:37:42 by Renaud Camus (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, jeszac asks What media hit you differently the second time around? "Have you had experiences of returning to scenes or moments within texts or other media with new eyes or understanding? What shifted both in your interpretation and in your life that allowed for that new interpretation?"

by taz

Sweet Art, I really love you!

Yale Art Gallery - HeartYale Art Gallery - Heart by m01229 (cc by)

Weird Science theme week has ended (see all the excellent weird science posts here!), and for the second theme of our August fundraising month, Sweet Art week has begun! Please help us make a spectacle of ourselves by posting all your favorite arty sites, works, and stories. 💖

by taz

Mastodon and more added to Also On
Hey, are you on Mastodon and want to list that in the social stuff on your profile page? Now you can!

by cortex

Come riff away

umbrellasumbrellas by Nasir Nasrallah (cc by)

What do you get when you mash up popular movie/book/etc titles? Instant classics like 12 Angry Monkeys, or Rashomonsters, Inc., or Das Booty Call, or Gorillas in the Mister Bean, and so many more. Come pitch your hot new media project here!

Also: (cough) alphabet thread (cough).

Strange Far Places

bottom_cthulhubottom_cthulhu by missmonstermel

I have a thing for eldritch abominations, alien geometry, fridge horror, and general nightmare fuel. I want more, pretty please!

In Ask Metafilter: Feed me the nightmare fuel

by taz

"This video is not about defending Phil Fish, or about setting him on fire"


This video is about everyone in the world who isn’t Phil Fish.

It turns out the great video, "This is Phil Fish" posted by jklaiho was created by "Mefi's own" Peevish. (The transcript has been posted here.)

by taz

I was talking to the duck!

Lists Are Fun!Lists Are Fun! by Malcolm Tredinnick (cc by)

An amazing internet sleuthing took place in Ask MetaFilter a few months ago when dmd asked us to help me come up with the jokes associated with a list of punchlines he found in his recently deceased father's notebooks. Ask MeFi stepped up and answered them all, and this story was recently featured on the new TLDR podcast from NPR's On The Media:

by mathowie

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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