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Posts tagged with phone

"That's So Nice Of You"

Out in the among the intertubes of the internet, AlSweigart found...something, and decided to share the surreal journey. You may never ask a stranger to take a photo of you again or you may ask every stranger to take a photo of you, the journey is just wonderfully odd!

The librarian knows.

Illustration of single colorful sock, light blue with red, blue and peach stripes

Your sock is hiding in the dryer outside of eyesight. JohnnyGunn tells a funny story about calling the library to find out the location of their missing sock in pablocake's Ask Me post about a phone hotline (instead of Google) for questions. It should come as no surprise to Mefites that in this, as in so many things, librarians are our heroes! (or, as Mournful Bagel Song puts it, "unearthly beings of pure knowledge")

by taz

Hello, have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?

Old fashioned black rotary dial phone on white surfacePhoto by Quino Al on Unsplash

Dialing in on the phone on Mefi: JanetLand posted WaPo's guide to modern phone etiquette, while in Ask Metafiler, Rash wants to know why you hold your phone like that, and niicholas is looking for songs with land-line telephone sounds

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





